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Parks & Recreation Board

Link: Parks and Recreation | Agendas

The term of Office: Three year term-limit, nine years total; one-year layoff
Meeting Schedule: Every other Month, 2nd Wednesday at Noon
Staff Liaisons: Dane Rau, Tammy Jaster

Position Board Members Term Expiration
1 Tina Henderson 2026
2 Ginger Bosse 2026
3 Bill Betts 2025
4 Wendy Buth 2025
5 Delbert Boeker 2025
6 Courtney Mason 2025
7 Lee Chalmers 2026
8 Ann Jacobs 2026
9 William Robinson 2026
10 Trisha Hartstack 2026
11 Harvey McIntyre 2026

Terms expire December 31 of the member's designated term expiration.

Mission Statement
"The mission of the Parks Advisory Board is to promote appreciation, participation, and support of Brenham's parks and recreation programs and facilities, and to represent the citizens of Brenham in providing sound, forward-looking and fiscally and environmentally responsible advice to the City Council related to the growth, enhancement and expansion of Brenham's Parks and Recreation operations and facilities."

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board assists the City of Brenham in the planning and operation of the parks and recreations system and reviews and monitors existing operations and considers ways to better utilize existing facilities.

The Board consists of eleven (11) members, the majority of whom reside in Washington County and are appointed to staggered, three-year, terms by the City Council. The City Manager appoints a staff member to serve as an ex-officio member of the Board.

The Board's authority is advisory and all recommendations are presented to the City Council for approval before any action is taken.

Agendas, Packets, Minutes


07/10/24   Agenda   Packet    
05/08/24   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
03/06/24   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
01/24/24   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  

11/29/23   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
10/18/23   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
08/23/23   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
06/14/23   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
04/12/23 Meeting Cancelled        
02/08/23   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  

12/14/22 Meeting Cancelled   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
06/08/22   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
04/13/22   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
02/09/22   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  

11/10/21   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
06/09/21 Special Meeting   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
04/14/21   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
02/10/21   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  

12/09/20   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
10/14/20   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
06/10/20   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
02/12/20   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
01/15/20   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  

11/13/19   Agenda   Packet    
08/14/19   Agenda   Packet    
06/26/19   Agenda   Packet    
06/12/19   Agenda   Packet     More...
04/10/19   Agenda   Packet    
02/13/19   Agenda   Packet    

12/12/18   Agenda   Packet    
11/10/18   Agenda      
09/12/18   Agenda   Packet    
05/30/18   Agenda   Packet    
04/11/18   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
02/28/18   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  

10/11/17   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
05/16/17   Agenda   Packet   Minutes  
04/12/17   Agenda     Minutes  
02/08/17   Agenda   Packet   Minutes