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Emergency Management

Emergency Management Coordinator - David Cella - 979-337-7314

The Emergency Management Division provides protection for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Brenham, particularly in times of disaster. This is accomplished through:

  • Effective contingency planning.
  • Coordination of local agencies
  • Education of the public
  • Provision of emergency information services
  • Renovating of Emergency Operation Center
  • Training of staff in disaster preparedness

The City's Emergency Management Division is responsible for coordinating all components of the emergency management system in the city. These include fire, police, public works, public utilities, volunteers and other groups contributing to the management of major emergencies or disasters. The EMC also works closely with county agencies and organizations, Emergency Medical Services, the Washington County Sheriff's Office and state agencies to coordinate emergency management services and to ensure the safety of all residents within the city and county.

Citizen Alert Notification System

Stay Informed with Citizen Alert Notifications
Citizen alert logo image

Everbridge is used to better communicate with the public in the event of an emergency. This is an opt-in type communication system. for more information, you can visit

General Preparation Guides

Downloads & Guides

Emergency Supplies Checklists

Post Emergency Damage Reporting