A City Job
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The City of Brenham offers stable employment, competitive salaries, excellent benefits, and opportunities for advancement.
All positions are open until filled. The City of Brenham is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
We accept online applications. To view employment opportunities please visit jobs.cityofbrenham.org. Click on the job title to see a full job description.
Have additional questions? Contact Human Resources or call 979-337-7518

Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS).
- Employees contribute 5% of gross pay
bi-weekly. - Vested after 5 years of service.
- City matches funds at retirement 2:1.
- Eligible to retire after 20 years of service or 60 years old with at least 5 years of service.

- Employees accrue vacation hours bi-weekly, a total of 80 hours per year.
- Accrual rates increase with each year of service after 5 years, to a maximum of 160 hours after 15 years of service.
- Carry-over of 80 hours allowed at end of the calendar year.
- Available for use after 6 months of employment.

- Employees accrue 3.69 hours of sick leave bi-weekly up to a maximum of 600 hours.
- Available to use after the employee receives their first paycheck.

- Fourteen approved holidays per year including 2 floating holidays.
- Floating holidays are available for use after the employee receives their first paycheck.

- Employees receive $5.00 per month for each year of service.
- Bi-weekly payments begin after the completion of one year of service.

Earn additional income with certifications:
- Bilingual Skills
- Police - TCOLE, FTO
- Fire - TCFP
- CDL Instructor

- After 1 year of service, the City will participate in the cost of education expenses applicable to the employee’s position including tuition, books, and fees.

- The City of Brenham provides life insurance valued at 2x annual base salary, long-term disability, and accidental death coverage for full-time employees.

- Eligible to participate on the first of the month following 30 days of continuous active employment.
A Closer look at Medical Insurance
About Brenham, Texas
Jump to: About the City of Brenham
Brenham, the county seat of Washington County and home to Blue Bell Ice Cream, is proud of its heritage and traditions. The City was incorporated in 1858 and by 1861, its citizens had positioned themselves to be a major part of railroad expansion during the Civil War. Citizens worked to complete the construction of tracks that connected the City to larger ports. This advantage made Brenham economically important; and laid the foundation for the area’s growth and prosperity you see today.
Brenham is located 70 miles northwest of Houston, 80 miles southeast of Austin, and 35 miles south of College Station. We have a population of over 17,000, with a daytime population of over 42,000 - due to the local workforce, tourism, and college students. The quality of life in Brenham tops the list of why residents stay here. It is a great place to live, work, and raise a family.
Brenham offers a unique atmosphere and a flavor all its own. The historic downtown, beautiful parks, and first-class sports facilities are just a few of the things that make Brenham unique. The City is home to the first public school district and first county-owned junior college district in Texas. Brenham ISD provides a strong educational foundation and works in partnership with Blinn College to prepare area youth for continued educational pursuits or workforce placement. The City partners with other governmental organizations and the business community to ensure students receive the services they need to succeed. Brenham is one of a handful of municipalities that own and operate all their public utilities within the city limits, including electric and gas.
The Brenham Municipal Airport was dedicated in 1949 and now includes a 6,003-ft runway. The City has over 200 acres of parkland, an aquatic center, and a sports complex. Both tourism and sports tourism are major industries for Brenham. The City welcomes over 125,000 visitors each year to the community.
The City operates under a Home Rule Charter in a Council-City Manager form of government. The Council consists of a Mayor and six council members. The Council sets the policy for the operation of the government. The City Manager, which is appointed by Council, administers those policies. The City Manager is responsible for appointing and supervising department heads.
See Also: History of Brenham
About the City of Brenham
The City of Brenham currently has over 200 full-time employees. An additional 60 or more are hired as seasonal or temporary employees each year, usually in the Parks, Aquatics, and Recreation departments.
The following departments offer full-time employment, based on current vacancies and budgeted positions. Employees must be at least 18 years of age to be eligible for employment. Seasonal and temporary employees maybe 16 years of age depending on job duties and requirements.
- Administration
- Animal Control
- Aquatics
- Communications & Public Relations
- Economic Development
- Development Services
- Electric
- Finance
- Fire
- Gas
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Library
- Maintenance
- Municipal Court
- Parks & Recreation
- Police (must be at least 21 years of age)
- Public Utilities
- Public Works
- Risk Management
- Streets & Drainage
- Tourism & Marketing
- Utility Customer Service
- Water & Wastewater Construction/Treatment
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