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Community Service Grant

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Submit an Application

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Community Service Grant (CSG) Funding

The Brenham City Council formed a Community Services Committee in 1991 to provide grant funding to local organizations that provide services to the community to promote a public purpose and are for a public good. The Committee consists of three (3) members of the City Council with the Economic and Community Development Director serving as the staff liaison for the committee.

Purpose of the Community Services Committee

The Community Services Committee reviews all grant funding requests and makes funding recommendations to the City Council during the regular budget cycle. The goal of the Committee is to assure that each organization that requests or are awarded funds are providing a public purpose or public good to the citizens of Brenham.

Process for an organization to request a Community Service Grant

Any organization requesting Community Service grant funding must submit an online application to the Economic and Community Development Director no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 27, 2023. While there is no established grant limit, most successful applicants request money for smaller projects or programs, or recurring overhead expenses.

The Committee will review all requests and make funding recommendations to the City Council. Any organization that is awarded funds will be notified in writing of their award amount. Grant award notifications will be sent out in mid-January 2024 along with a check payable to the organization. Ready to apply? Scroll to the bottom.

Applications are due on or before 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 27, 2023

Can't submit online? If you cannot submit the online application, please contact Christine Simich by email or at 936-727-7237. NOTE: Keep in mind that all applications (online or paper) are due at the same time.

Questions Please contact Christine Simich at (979) 337-7237 Teresa Rosales at (979) 337-7234

Application Checklist

After submitting the online application, you will be asked to upload documents. These are the documents we will request, so have them handy before you begin:

  • A copy of your organization’s vision and mission statement;
  • Information on the organization’s duties and responsibilities;
  • A copy of the current year’s budget;
  • Organizational chart showing the leadership structure of the organization;
  • Information on how your organization obtains funding (i.e., private donations, membership fees, sponsors, etc.); and
  • If your organization obtained Community Services funding in FY 2022-2023, please provide documentation specifying how the awarded funds were used.

The Community Services Committee will not consider applications that do not include all of the above documents and information.

Note: This online application may take 15 minutes or more to complete. Once you have started filling out the application, do not navigate away from the form or close the browser until you submit the form and get a confirmation email.

Applications are due on or before 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 27, 2023

Application Form - Be prepared to complete the following on the online application:

  • Legal name of organization requesting funds
  • Organization's mailing address
  • Tax ID#
  • Is your organization: Non-Profit or Private/For Profit
  • Number of Employees including a breakdown of: Full Time, Part Time, and # of Volunteers Annually
  • Mission or Purpose of your organization
  • Organization's Website
  • Organization's Social Media
  • Name of primary contact (the person who is completing the application)
  • Title of primary contact
  • Mailing address of primary contact
  • Email, Phone, and Cell
  • How will grant funds be used for a public purpose and public good to benefit the residents of Brenham
  • Amount of Funding Requested
  • How many years has the organization been active in Brenham?
  • On average, what is the number of citizens assisted by this organization each year?
  • How will the impact of Community Services grant funding be measured?
  • Have you received Community Service grant funding in the past?
  • If yes, please complete the following section and list other years (over the last three years) that you have hosted your event/project with the amount of assistance given from City of Brenham Community Service:
    Year - Amount - Use of Funding

Application Agreement

I certify that I am the authorized representative of the organization stated below and am authorized to apply for consideration of funding by the City of Brenham Community Services Committee. I certify that the enclosed application, budget and attachments are a true representation of the organization. My organization agrees to hold harmless and blameless the City of Brenham and its designated Committee members from loss, theft, damage or injury to any materials submitted in response to this grant application. I understand that applications and all material provided (such as flyers, pamphlets, ads, videos, CDs, still images or other organizational - related materials) become the property of the City of Brenham, will not be returned, and may be subject to public release under the Public Information Act. I also understand that acceptance of an application by the City of Brenham does not guarantee funds will be granted, and that all decisions of the Committee are final. I agree that any funds granted will be used only for the specific purpose for which they are given and will not be used in a way that violates applicable federal, state, or local laws or regulations. I agree to provide, upon request by the City, records showing how the grant funds were used. I further agree on behalf of the organization that any funds used in violation of this agreement will be repaid to the City of Brenham.

Applications are due on or before 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 27, 2023

Ready to apply?

Submit an Application