
Engineering provides support, guidance, and leadership to citizens, businesses, developers, and decision-makers. Engineering's mission is to coordinate efficiently, while being environmentally responsible, to plan, design, and construct the City of Brenham's infrastructure needs with minimal inconvenience.

Engineering is a critical component of development and infrastructure planning. The Department is responsible for reviewing and approving civil plans relating to public and private developments. Engineering identifies infrastructure improvements necessary to accommodate projected growth/development within the City of Brenham's jurisdiction.

Engineering provides technical support including, plan reviews and construction inspections. The Engineering Department administers the City's Floodplain Management Program and serves as the City's Floodplain Administrator. The City Engineer oversees the operations of the Brenham Municipal Airport.


Major Thoroughfare Plan

Major Thoroughfare Plan

Design and Construction Standards

Floodplain Management

Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs)

Visit the Planning Page for Applications and Additional information.