Financial Incentives

outdoor Alamo St

Thinking about investing in property or launching a new business venture?
Downtown Brenham is the perfect place to be!
Main Street Brenham is known for its unwavering support of local businesses, bustling visitor traffic and a deep-rooted entrepreneurial spirit that has been thriving for over a century. To help you in your endeavor, we have put together some valuable resources to help you get started.
If you have any questions, please contact the Main Street Manager at 979-337-7239.

Main Street Incentive Reimbursement Grant

The Main Street Incentive Reimbursement Grant Program aims to improve downtown's unique character through historic preservation and aesthetically appealing commercial storefronts and businesses in order to attract customers. Our Main Street Brenham Incentive Grant Program focuses on exterior work on buildings in the District. Please complete and return the Grant Application to the Main Street Office in City Hall; 200 W. Vulcan St or email us

Main Street Sign Grant

Main Street Brenham seeks to improve the image of Downtown Brenham through the restoration and rehabilitation of commercial building facades located in the Downtown Redevelopment Area. As an economic incentive, Main Street Brenham has developed a sign reimbursement grant program. Please complete and return the Grant Application to the Main Street Office in City Hall; 200 W. Vulcan St or email us

State and Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program

The Texas Historical Commission administers two related tax credit programs for rehabilitation of historic buildings. Applicants are encouraged to apply to both programs together if they meet eligibility requirements for both.

The Federal Historic Preservation Tax Credit program offers a 20% income tax credit for the rehabilitation of historic, income-producing buildings.

The state tax credit program offers a 25% tax credit for the rehabilitation of historic, income-producing or non-profit use buildings. This credit can be sold, and may be used against Texas Business Franchise Tax OR Texas Insurance Premium Tax.