Commendations or Complaints

Emergency Number: 9-1-1
Phone: 979-337-7337 | Fax: 979-337-7342 | Non-Emergency 24-hour Dispatch: 979-277-7373
Address: 1800 Longwood Dr., Brenham, TX 77833 | Online Feedback Survey

Since December 2012, the Brenham Police Department, having fulfilled the necessary qualifications and meeting mandatory requirements mandated by the Texas Police Chiefs Association Foundation, has been recognized as a Texas Law Enforcement Best Practices Recognition Program Member.

Commending an Officer

The Brenham Police Department is very proud of the professionalism, efficiency and service-minded orientation of the officers. Should citizens wish to compliment or commend an officer for their actions, they should write a letter to the Chief of Police or make a telephone call to any supervisory officer so that documentation can be initiated, briefly describing the incident and the officer's performance. The department and its individual officers sincerely appreciate the efforts taken by the citizens and visitors of Brenham in recognition of their performance. Any commendation letter written by a citizen or visitor in this regard will be forwarded to the officer personally, as well as the officer's commander. A copy will be placed in his or her personnel file.


The Brenham Police Department will investigate all complaints, whether received internally or externally. It is our intent to protect the employee, community, and department by identifying and correcting inappropriate performance. The Texas Government Code (Section 614) requires that before a complaint can be considered by the agency head that it must be made writing, signed by the person making the complaint and a copy of the signed complaint given to the officer.

Complaint Process

Many complaints can be satisfactorily explained by a visit to the shift supervisor at the Brenham Police Department. Meeting with the shift supervisor, a sergeant, is the first step in the overall process. The shift supervisor is available at all times, but complainants may wish to make an appointment to avoid having to wait. If the matter can not be resolved at the supervisor level, the shift supervisor will obtain written documentation from the complainant and any witnesses present, then forward those statements to the Internal Affairs officer. Citizens may wish to initiate their complaints with the Internal Affairs officer at the department. Complainants may telephone, mail or report in person to the Internal Affairs officer during normal business hours. They may contact the Internal Affairs Division at 979-337-7337.

The mailing address is
Brenham Police Department
Office of Professional Standards
1800 Longwood Dr.
Brenham, TX, 77833

The complainant will be contacted by the assigned investigator. The complainant will be given a telephone number to call for any information needed or to answer any questions regarding the incident. Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure that the complainant will be sent a letter at the completion of the process. In cases of personal injury, complainants will be requested to sign a release for medical records. The Internal Affairs officer or the assigned investigator may find it necessary to conduct additional interviews with the complainant and witnesses. The Internal Affairs office will not make any recommendations about the disposition of the complaint. This will be done through the officer's chain of command. When the investigation is complete, the case will be reviewed by the Chief of Police. The employee's superiors will make a recommendation regarding the disposition of the incident, as well as any possible disciplinary action.

Complaint Dispositions

  • Unfounded: The allegation is false or not factual
  • Exonerated: The incident occurred but without the alleged misconduct
  • Not Sustained: There is insufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegation
  • Sustained: The allegation is supported by sufficient evidence.

Depending on the disposition of the investigation, the chief of police has the duty to administer disciplinary action as provided by law, rules, and regulations of the Brenham Police Department. Disciplinary actions range from verbal reprimand to dismissal.