Emergency Number: 9-1-1
Phone: 979-337-7337 | Fax: 979-337-7342 | Non-Emergency 24-hour Dispatch: 979-277-7373
Address: 1800 Longwood Dr., Brenham, TX 77833 | Online Feedback Survey

Where is the Brenham Police Department located?

What are the hours the patrol officers work?

When should I call 911?

Who do I call for information on someone who has been arrested?

How do I take care of traffic tickets?

What should I do if I'm involved in an accident?

Can the police open my car if I have locked the keys inside?

What are the requirements for vehicle child restraints?

Why did it take the police so long to arrive when I called them last night?

Why does the operator ask so many questions when I call the police?

How do I get an accident report?

How do I get a police report or other police related documents?

How can I find out more about the Brenham Police Department?

How can I get a tour of the Brenham Police Department?

What is the annual operating budget for the Brenham Police Department?