Utility Customer Service/Billing
Utility Customer Service: 979-337-7400 (24 hours) | Customer Billing: 979-337-7520
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Reducing your usage of utility services can save you money as well as resources. learn more
Courtney Dudenhoeffer- Utility Billing Supervisor - 979-337-7523
Utility Payment and Monitoring Tools
Pay Online
Pay Your Utility Bill Online Online Credit Card Payments are for Residential Customers only.
Monitor Usage
View My Usage - Save money by setting up alerts and adjusting your usage.
Instructions on how to setup View My Usage account
Learn how to Save Money and Energy
How to Apply for Service
Ready to connect service? You will have to come to City Hall to get services connected, however, lets get you prepared by asking are you looking to connect services to an existing building or for new construction?
Getting Service at an Existing Building
Application for utility service can be completed in the Utility Customer Service Office located inside City Hall, 200 W. Vulcan, Brenham, TX 77833. Each applicant is required to sign a Customer Application and present a lease or show proof of ownership before services can be connected.
What to bring with you:
- Texas Issued Photo ID or Passport
- Proof of ownership/lease
- Funds for a deposit (residential customers can provide a deposit using cash/check/card | Business customers can provide cash/check for deposit funds)
All applicants are required to make a deposit in accordance with the provisions of Section 1005 of the City of Brenham Rate Tariff Schedules:
Homeowner (permanent structure) | $150.00 |
Renter | $250.00 |
Non-owner, without Electric or Gas Service | $145.00 |
Contractor - Each new construction | $100.00 |
Landlord deposit | $300.00 |
The Commercial Customer deposit is twice the highest monthly bill with a minimum of $300.00. Commercial customers have several options on how they may handle this amount. Please contact the Utility Customer Service/Billing Department for details at 979-337-7520.
Deposit Refunds (residential customers only)
Any required deposit may be refunded to Customer by crediting the customer's bill if all of the following conditions are met:
- The deposit has been held by the City for at least twelve (12) months; and
- Customer has not had any collection activity occurrence (including not honored and returned checks, disconnect notices or more than 2 late penalties) in the prior 12 months; and
- There is no "Past Due" bill currently owed for the applicable service accounts.
- Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, upon disconnection of service, deposits will be applied to the final bill and the excess, if any, shall be refunded to the Customer.
Getting Service at a New Building/Not Previously Connected to Utility Services
If your property is not currently connected to utility services you will most likely start with Development Services.
Have questions or need help? Call us at 979.337.7520.
Payment and Disputes
A customer may request a disconnection of utility service at any time unless there is a provision to the contrary in the service contract or applicable rate schedule. The customer is responsible for any use of service until the City has had a reasonable time to secure final reading or to remove the meter.
Service may be disconnected by the City for the failure of the customer to pay bills in accordance with the provisions of Section 1009 of the City of Brenham Rate Tariff Schedules or for failure to comply with the terms of his service contract or the rules and regulations in the Rate Tariff.
Disconnections of utility service may be done in person at the Utility Customer Service/Billing Office located inside of City Hall, 200 W. Vulcan, Brenham, TX 77833.
Text Message
Utility customers can now receive the amount of the current utility bill with a text message the day it is billed. The message will indicate the address and amount with a link to allow the customer to pay the bill with a credit card. Keep in mind this is intended for customers who are currently not enrolled in automatic bank drafting or credit card drafting.
Information needed
- Account number
- Account name
- Address
- Phone number
Email information to:webpay@cityofbrenham.org
E-Bill Available
The City now offers the option for customers to receive their utility bill via e-mail. Interested citizens can sign up for this option online by filling out the information below. Remember to notify Utility Customer Service/Billing Department if the email address changes to ensure delivery of the utility bill.
Information needed:
- Account number
- Account name
- Address
- Email address
Email information to: webpay@cityofbrenham.org
Forms and Tariffs
Download Forms
Payment Kiosk
Payment Kiosk Available after hours
Have you used the payment kiosk? Let us know how it went by taking our survey at cityofbrenham.online/kiosk-feedbackUtility Billing Mobile App
MyCivic Utilities Mobile App
Utility Customers can access and pay their utility bill through the MyCivic Utilities app by Tyler Technologies, INC.

You can get the app for your phone from the app store (apple) or play store (android).
Getting Started
Once you have the app installed you will be asked to search for your city (Brenham, TX).
Next you will be asked to sign in with your account information. If you are a new online user you will need to register and have your customer ID number handy (this can be found on your utility bill).
Once you are logged in, select the "Utility Billing" menu item
Now you can see your current balance for your account(s), usage, and billing history all from your mobile device.
Conditions of Service
The undersigned (hereinafter called applicant) hereby applies for utility service from the City of Brenham (hereinafter called City) subject to the following conditions:
- Applicant agrees to:
- Pay the City the required fees and deposits.
- Comply and be bound by the City’s Code of Ordinances and all amendments thereto and by such rules and regulations as may from time to time be adopted by the City Council.
- Purchase from the City, at City’s standard rates for the type of service rendered to applicant, all utilities to be used on the premises described below. All rates are subject to change or amendment by resolution of the City Council.
- Install all electric wiring, plumbing and gas pipes in a safe workmanlike manner subject to inspection by an authorized representative of the City and to take service within 30 days after it is made available. Applicant further agrees that if he/she fails to take service when made available, he/she will nevertheless pay the City the monthly minimum charge for a period of 1 (one) year or until he/she does commence taking service.
- Allow authorized agents of the City ingress and egress over applicant’s property to repair and maintain City’s line or facilities and for any other purpose necessary for the conduct of business and rendering of service to City’s customers.
- City will make reasonable provision to insure continuity of service, however, it will not be liable for loss or damage caused by unavoidable accidents or acts of God or by applicant’s failure to install safe and adequate wiring, plumbing, pipes and safety devices.
- All utility bills and other amounts owed the City are due and payable in Brenham, Texas.
This application and all contracts entered into by applicant and City shall be contingent upon (a) the City’s ability to obtain easements with a normal and reasonable effort excluding condemnation proceedings; (b) acts of any governmental authority or court of law; (c) acts of God; (d) inability to secure materials and/or labor; (e) any other course beyond the City’s reasonable control.
Utility Saving Tips
How to monitor your usage
City Utility Customers can monitor usage and setup alerts to keep you informed before your bill arrives. Visit cityofbrenham.online/myusage to create and login to your account.
Need help setting up your account for the first time?

Billing Cycle usage graph showing current and prior months usage compared to last years current month

Example of a customer configured billing threshold alert to keep usage low, when consumption goes over the set amount, an alert is sent via email/text to the customer

Billing Cycle Data shows the amount of usage to date

Customer usage over time graph can show your peak usage through the year and help you get a better picture of when your more expensive months will be if you haven't signed up for an Average Monthly Payment Plan.
Home Energy Audit
Before making individual efficiency upgrades, it’s important to know how your home uses energy. A home energy assessment is the first step to saving energy and money.
Sometimes called an energy audit, a home energy assessment helps you learn how you use energy, determine where it’s being wasted, and prioritize efficiency upgrades. Making energy efficiency upgrades identified in a home energy assessment can save 5-30 percent on your monthly energy bill while also ensuring the health and safety of your house.
Learn more at Energy.gov
Article by Scott Minos
- Heating/Cooling is the largest energy expense in your home, accounting for about 45% of your energy bills.
- Set your programmable thermostat as high as is comfortable in the summer, and raise the setpoint when you're sleeping or away from home.
- Clean or replace filters on air conditioners once a month or as recommended.
- Turn off kitchen, bath, and other exhaust fans within 20 minutes after you are done cooking or bathing; when replacing exhaust fans, consider installing high-efficiency, low-noise models.
- During summer, keep the window coverings closed during the day to block the sun's heat.
- Select energy-efficient products when you buy new cooling equipment. Your contractor should be able to give you energy fact sheets for different types, models, and designs to help you compare energy usage. See the efficiency standards for information on minimum ratings, and look for the ENERGY STAR when purchasing new products.
Did you know?
- 17% of the average household's energy use goes to space cooling (in 2015)
- In 2015, about 87% of homes used air conditioning compared to 57% of homes using air conditioning in 1980.
Did you know?
- Heating/Cooling is the largest energy expense in your home, accounting for about 45% of your energy bills.
- The most common home heating fuel is natural gas, and it's used in about 57% of American homes.
- Between 2007 and 2012, the average U.S. household spent more than $700 on heating using natural gas & $1,700 on heating homes using heating oil.
Energy-Saving Tip
Before upgrading your heating system, improve the efficiency of your house. This will allow you to purchase a smaller unit, saving you money on the upgrade and operating costs.
How Heating Systems Work
All heating systems have three basic components. If your heating system isn't working properly, one of these basic components could be the problem.
- The heat source - most commonly a furnace or boiler - provides warm air to heat the house.
- The heat distribution system - such as forced air or radiators - moves warm air through the home.
- The control system - most commonly a thermostat - regulates the amount of warm air that is distributed.
Did you know?
Furnaces and boilers are often called Central Heating Systems because the heat is generated in a central location and then distributed throughout the house.
Energy-Saving Tip
Install a programmable Thermostat and save big on your energy bills! Save an estimated 10% a year on heating and cooling costs by using a programmable thermostat. Set your heater to run less by programing a lower temperature while you are away or asleep.
Source - Energy.gov Energy Saver 101 Infographic: Home Heating
Although windows can be one of your home's most attractive features, they can also account for 10-20% of your utility bill.
- IF your home as single pane windows, consider replacing them when new double-pane windows with high-performance glass.
- During the cold winter months, keep your drapes and shades on your south-facing windows open during the day to allow the sunlight to help warm your home. At night, keep them closed to reduce the chill from the cold windows.
- During the hot summer months, keep the window coverings closed during the day to prevent solar gain.
On an average, 11% of your utility bill is dedicated to lighting. Some tips for lowering lighting costs:
- Select energy-efficient products when you buy replacement lights.
- Consider using controls such as timers and photo cells to save electricity. Dimmer save electricity when used to lower light levels. Be sure to select products which are compatible with dimmers.
- Take advantage of daylight by using light-colored, loose-weave curtains on your windows to allow more daylight inside.
House Bill 872
In compliance with HB 872 passed by the 87th Texas Legislature, personal information and information regarding customer usage, services, and billing, including amounts billed or collected for utility usage, will be treated as confidential by the City of Brenham. This information will only be disclosed to the account holder or authorized individuals.
Customers have the option of requesting that information be released by completing the Request for Disclosure of Account Information form or by submitting a written request to the Utility Billing Department. The request can be delivered to City Hall, 200 W. Vulcan Street, or can be mailed to P.O. Box 1059, Brenham, Texas 77834. For questions, please call the City of Brenham Utility Billing Department at 979-337-7520.
Call Before you Dig - dial 811
Color codes for Utilities Markings
- Water Blue
- Sewer Green
- Gas Yellow
- Electric Red
Digging can be dangerous. There are buried utilities throughout the city. Hitting a utility line can be both dangerous and costly. Without knowing the locations of the buried utilities, you jeopardize your safety as well as others and the inconvenience of being without the service.
Before beginning any project that requires you to move earth, DIAL 811. This is a free service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The locate center will contact the city and the utility departments will mark their lines within 2 business days. Wait the required time - at least 2 business days. Once lines are marked, dig with care and dig safely by hand-digging within 18 inches of any marking.