Sanitation / Recycle / Collection
Contact us
979-922-5958 (collection station)
979-337-7520 (customer service/billing)
979-337-7440 (residential & commercial - questions/changes/assistance)
Collection/Transfer & Recycling Station Hours
Operated by BVR
Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturdays: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Located at
2009 Old Chappell Hill Road
Brenham, TX 77833
Collection Calendar for BVR Waste and Recycling
Collection/Transfer & Recycling Station Information
Collection/Transfer & Recycling Station Hours
Operated by BVR
Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturdays: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Located at
2009 Old Chappell Hill Road
Brenham, TX 77833
- Collection Station Price List (effective, October 1, 2022)
- What are Hazardous Materials?
What are Hazardous Materials?
Prohibited Waste
- Regulated Hazardous Waste
- Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls (PCB's) wastes, as defined under 40 CFR, Part 761
- Lead-acid storage batteries
- Do-it-yourself (DIY) used motor oil
- Used oil filters from internal combustion engines
- Whole used or scrap tires in the waste load
- Items containing chlorinated fluorocarbons (CFC's)
- Liquid waste (any waste material determined to contain "free liquids" as deemed by EPA Method 9095B (paint filter test); as described in "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical-Chemical Methods" (EPA Publication Number sw-846))
- Regulated Asbestos Containing Materials
- Industrial solid waste
Collection/Transfer Station
The Citizens Collection Station is a full-service Collection/Transfer Station operated by BVR Waste and Recycling. Waste is brought to the center by businesses and citizens, as well as BVR Waste and Recycling through residential and commercial collections daily. The Collection Station is open to the public.
The waste picked up at your curb and brought to the station by a BVR Waste and Recycling truck is compacted and strategically placed into transfer trailers, maximizing weights at 20-22 tons per trailer. The transfer station also accepts waste from private haulers and waste companies. Once a trailer is full, it is then hauled to the Twin Oaks Landfill in Carlos, TX. The transfer station is regulated to dispose of 125 tons per day. On average the station handles 90-100 tons of compacted and non-compacted waste per day.
At this location, 2009 Old Chappell Hill Rd, businesses and customers can purchase mulch by the ton. This product is produced on-site from yard waste that is ground using a specialized grinder. First, yard waste is ground utilizing 3'x5' screens and then allowed to age and break down. After aging for approximately 4-6 months, this product is ground through a set of 2'x2' screens which produces a darker, finer product. This product can be used to enhance soil conditions or provide a moisture barrier for landscaping purposes.
A recycling drop-off area is also located for those residents and businesses who are not part of a recycling program. If you currently are a city resident or a business who is paying for a recycling program you will be allowed to use the recycling drop-off facility free of charge. All other customers will be charged a $60/per year fee plus tax for annual access. This is a one-time, annual payment to utilize the recycling drop-off center.
If you have any questions about the Collection/Transfer Station or Recycling Drop-Off Facility located at 2009 Old Chappell Hill Rd please contact BVR Waste and Recycling at 979-922-5958. Please contact BVR Waste and Recycling at 979-922-5958 to set up large accounts.
Additional Information
Residential Collection Information
Residential Collection
Jump to topic:
Videos: Where to place carts | Watch a cart pickup | Recycling: from home to sorting
Everything you need to know about the transition from the City of Brenham to BVR Waste and Recycling
- Residents receive TWO carts: one for garbage and one for recycling.
- Garbage collection days will not be the same as recycling collection days.
- When is my collection day & what goes where? - use the collection calendar above, download the app for apple or android, or call 979-337-7440 to find out your collection schedule.
- Holidays: Curbside Pickup will not be collected on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Years Day.

What to do for garbage, recycling, and brush
- Garbage should be bagged, tied, and securely stored in your cart with the lid closed; otherwise, the collection truck will not be able to empty it
- Items too large to fit in your cart should be taken to the transfer station - 2009 Old Chappell Hill Rd.
- DO NOT pile bags or trash on top of or around your cart. It will not be collected
- Please also make sure that your cart is not blocked by any vehicles on pick up day
Recyclables to be collected
- Metal Cans - Rinsed steel, tin, and aluminum vegetable, fruit and beverage cans
- Paper Products - Newspapers, magazines, junk mail, brown paper bags, phone books, non-confidential office paper, mixed/white paper, and flattened cardboard
- Plastic #1 & #2 - All colors of plastic will be accepted. Please check the bottom of the carts for #1 or #2 to confirm its acceptance. Do not include bags, wrapping, or packaging
- Glass Bottles and Jars - Rinsed clear and brown glass bottles and jars will be accepted for recycling. Do not include lids
Yard Debris
- Curbside pick-up is limited to twelve (12) bags/bundles per household. All limbs must be bundled and tied together. Each bundle shall be no larger that four (4) foot in length and six (6) inches in diameter. You can schedule a Wednesday pick-up by using the BVR app, scheduling online in the Brush Pickup section of the Collection Calendar for BVR, or by calling 979.922.5958. A nominal fee of $17.00 will be charged to your City of Brenham Utility Account.

When to place and remove your cart
- Place your cart at the curb in front of your residence by 8 AM on your designated collection day to guarantee collection
- Carts may be placed curbside after 8 PM the day before collection
- Carts must be removed from the curb by 8 PM on the day of collection
Where to Place Carts
- Along the front curb at least 3-ft from other carts, mailboxes, vehicles, trees, telephone poles, water or gas meters, etc.
- The arrows on top of the cart should face the street and the wheels should face your house
Where NOT to place your carts
- On a sidewalk or in the street
- Over sprinkler heads, water or gas meters, or cable/electrical boxes
- Under low-hanging tree limbs or cable/electrical wires
- Don't pile bags or trash on top of or around your cart. Excess garbage or items too large for the cart should be taken to the collection/transfer station.
Items not collected
- Dirt, sod, concrete or rock, tires, oil filters, and CFC-containing appliances
- Flammable materials such as oil, gas, or paint
- Contractor-generated debris from construction, remodeling, or demolition
- Hazardous waste, liquids, or any other material prohibited from the landfill or Transfer Station

Cart Assistance Program, Recycling Opt-Out, and Reduced Garbage Cart Size Forms:
- BVR - Curbside Recycling Opt-out
- BVR - Curbside Collection Assistance Application
- BVR - Curbside Collection 65-gallon Cart Application
- BVR - Curbside Additional Container Application
- BVR - Recycling Center Service Agreement - for Non-City customers to gain access to recycling drop-off.
How much does it cost
Sanitation & Recycling Rates
$17.00/mo. (Non-seniors)
$12.50/mo. (Seniors)
Yard Brush Pick-up Rates $17.00/per occurrence
Who to Contact with Questions or Concerns
Residential 979.337.7440
Collection/Transfer/Brush 979.922.5958
Where does my recycling go? This video shows curbside recycling from your home to BVR's sorting facility
Additional Information
Collection and Transfer Station Rate Schedule
Solid Waste Collection, Disposal, and Recycling Services
Transfer Station Services
Compatible Waste
Receiving, hauling, packing and transporting to a Type 1 Landfill:- (In-City rate): $48.00 per ton
- (Out-of-City rate): Negotiable
Non-Compatible Waste
Receiving, hauling, packing and transporting to a Type 1 Landfill:
- $90.00 per ton
- COB Only: $45.00 per ton
Collection Station Services
Brush Service - per ton
- Residential Brush: $30.00 ($5.00 minimum)
- Commercial Brush: $40.00 ($40.00 minimum)
- Residential Brush Collected by City of Brenham Departments: $22.50
Tire Disposal
- 15" or less: $6.00 per tire
- 16" or less: $15.00 per tire
- Tractor tires: $65.00 per tire
- Tire with rim: $1.00 extra
- Double ground: $22.50 per ton
- Single ground: $10.00 per ton
- 50 tons or more within 30 days: $17.50 per ton
- 2 cubic foot bag: $2.50 per bag
Rack-Off Fees - per occurrence
- Brush: $5.00
- Debris: $10.00
- Shingles and other roofing materials: $15.00
Recycling Services
Unlimited Drop Off Recycling
- Washington County, City of Brenham resident: No Charge
- Washington County, NON-City of Brenham resident: $60.00 per year
Permitted Roll-Off Service Providers
Permitted Roll-Off/Compactor Providers List
Action Roll-Offs, Inc
P.O. Box 1414
23615 Old Howth Rd
Hempstead, Texas 77445
(877) 222-8406 or (979) 826-2815
Allied Waste (Republic)
1709 TX 36 Bus, Brenham, TX 77833
(979) 2771160
18500 North Allied Way, Phoenix AZ 85054
(480) 627-2700
Brazos Valley Recycling
P.O. Box 5449
8825 Stewart Meadow
Bryan, Texas 77805
(979) 260-3867
Budget Roll-Off Service
1555 Highway 36 North
Brenham, Texas 77833
(877) 397-6556 or (979) 830-9060
Container Source, LLC
12662 Highway 36 N
Brenham, TX 77833
(979) 830-5350
Dillo Disposal
P.O. Box 47 (77863)
1591 County Road 415
Somerville, Texas 77879
(979) 596-2130
General Site Services
7939 N. FM 331
Bellville, Texas 77418
(800) 375-8375
Legacy Waste Service
P.O. Box 678
Brenham, Texas 77834
(979) 836-5415
Maroon Dumpsters, Inc.
P.O. Box 11648
College Station, Texas 77842-1648
(979) 596-6446
Only 1 Rentals
9782 S. Business 6
Navasota, Texas 77868
(936) 825-2444
Pronto Services
P.O. Box 4662 (77805)
1818 Driller’s Drive
Bryan, Texas 77808
(979) 402-2056
Texas Commercial Waste
P.O. Box 645 (77806)
1820 N. Harvey Mitchell Pkwy
Bryan, Texas 77807
(800) 299-7171
Texas Disposal Systems
12200 Carl Road
Creedmoor, Texas78610
(713) 252-0906
Vacha Waste Management Services, LLC
dba Texas Ranch Rolloffs
7994 Highway 36 N
Bellville, TX 77418
(979) 865-9838
Waste Solutions USA, LLC
9655 Kerr Road
Pattison, TX 77423
(832) 808-7247