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Pay or Manage Your Account Online

Utilities Customer Service/Billing - How to view your account online

Register your account online

  • Select Register your account online (above)
  • Select Utility Billing tab at top of the page
  • Select Register-enter information and select "create member"
  • Select add account - (Need your account number and your last payment amount)


  • You can view how much your current bill is, and if you click on consumption you will get a graph of the past 9 months of usage.


  • To view Water and Gas usage (if available) click the dropdown box to change service

view consumption

  • Once you select another service you will see the updated graph to the service you selected..

Now that you know how to view your history, you can get a better idea of how your usage changes through the year. You might be able to use some of the tips available on the Electric and Water pages to reduce your utility usage and resulting bill.