Public Information FAQs

What is the Public Information Act?

How do I make a request for public information?

What should I write in my public information request?

How long does the City have to respond to my request for information?

Will I have to pay for copies of my requested information?

How is public information provided to me?

What if I just want to look at the documents?

What if I need someone to create a document for me?

What happens if I request confidential information?

What information will the City redact/withhold from my request?

Can I request a police background check?

Can I request body camera video?

How do I get information about 911 calls?

What if I request a police report and the case is still open/active?

What if I am the subject of the records I am requesting?

How do I get court records, such as a disposition or a copy of a citation?

What happens if an Attorney General Ruling is requested?

How do I appeal the City's decision to redact/withhold information?

How do I get more information about the Public Information Act?