Board of Adjustment
Jump to: Agendas
The term of Office: Two years
Meeting Schedule: Monthly, 2nd Monday at 5:15 pm. | Meeting Schedule
Staff Liaison(s): Kim Hodde
Position | Board Members | Term Expiration |
1 | Darren Huckert | 2026 |
2 | Arlen Thielemann | 2026 |
3 | Jon Hodde | 2025 |
4 | Dax Flisowski | 2026 |
5 | Mary Lou Winkelmann | 2025 |
Alternate Member | ||
A-1 | Walt Edmunds | 2025 |
A-2 | VACANT | |
A-3 | VACANT | |
A-4 | VACANT |
Terms expire December 31 of the member's designated term expiration.
The Board of Adjustment fulfills, in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Brenham, those responsibilities so delegated to it by the City Council.
The Board of Adjustment is a five-member, quasi-judicial Board that considers matters related to the Zoning Ordinance, including Variances, Special Exceptions, and Appeals of staff interpretation or appeals of an alleged error. It is sometimes referred to as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals.
Five (5) members are appointed by the City Council for staggered terms of three () years respectively. The Board shall have up to four (4) alternate members, appointed by the City Council, who shall serve in the absence of one or more regular members when requested to do so by the Mayor. These alternate members, when appointed, shall serve for the same period as the regular members.
The Board hears and decides appeals, where it is alleged there, is error of law in any order, requirement, or decision made by the Zoning Administrator, including appeals alleging error in the interpretation of the classification of any use not specifically named in the City of Brenham Zoning Ordinance and to hear and decide special exceptions and variances as provided for in the City of Brenham Zoning Ordinance.
Agendas, Packets, Minutes
12/08/25 |
11/10/25 |
10/13/25 |
09/08/25 |
08/11/25 |
07/14/25 |
06/09/25 |
05/12/25 |
04/14/25 |
03/10/25 |
02/10/25 CANCELED | Agenda |
01/13/25 CANCELED | Agenda |
12/09/24 | Agenda | Packet |
11/12/24 CANCELED | Agenda |
10/14/24 CANCELED | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
09/09/24 CANCELED | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
08/12/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
07/08/24 CANCELED | Agenda | Packet |
06/10/24 CANCELED | Agenda | Packet |
05/13/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
05/13/24 TRAINING | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
04/08/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
03/11/24 CANCELED | Agenda |
02/12/24 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
01/08/24 CANCELED | Agenda | Packet |
12/11/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
11/13/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
10/09/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
09/11/23 Meeting Cancelled | Agenda |
08/14/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
07/10/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
06/12/23 Meeting Cancelled | Agenda |
05/08/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
04/10/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
03/13/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
02/13/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
01/24/23 Special Event, Possible Quorum | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
01/09/23 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
12/12/22 Meeting Cancelled Due to Lack of Quorum | Agenda | Packet |
11/14/22 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
09/12/22 Regular Meeting | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
08/08/22 Meeting Cancelled | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
07/11/22 Cancelled Meeting | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
06/13/22 Cancelled Meeting | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
05/09/22 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
04/11/22 Cancelled Meeting | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
03/14/22 Cancelled Meeting | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
02/28/22 Special Meeting | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
02/14/22 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
01/10/22 Cancelled Meeting | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
12/13/21 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
11/08/21 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
10/11/21 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
09/13/21 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
08/09/21 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
05/10/21 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
03/08/21 Meeting Cancelled | Agenda |
02/08/21 Meeting Cancelled | Agenda |
01/11/21 Meeting Cancelled | Agenda |
12/14/20 Meeting Cancelled | Agenda |
11/09/20 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
05/11/20 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
03/09/20 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
02/10/20 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
07/08/19 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
05/13/19 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |
03/18/19 Special Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
03/11/19 | Agenda | Packet | Minutes |