Located at: 1804 Longwood Drive, Brenham, TX 77833 | Contact Information | Hours
Making A Contribution
Animal Services works hard to care for the animals of the city. Whether it is supplies or monetary donations, we appreciate anything to help as many animals that we can!
Contributions to our department can be made below:
Kuranda ShelterBeds Program
View our Kuranda Wishlist to supply the dogs with comfy beds during their shelter stay!
Amazon Wishlist
View our Amazon Wishlist and make your donation experience easy!
Item Donation Wishlist
- Pet Toys (Kong toys/rubber toys/long-lasting toys)
- Rawhide free chewy treats
- Dog Treats
- Dog shampoo
- Canned Kitten and Puppy Food
- Kitten Milk Replacement
- Science Diet food (for all species/ages)
- Rescue jugs, rescue spray and rescue wipes
- Disposable gloves
- Pill pockets
- Kundra beds (outdoor type)
- Detergent pods
- Bleach
- Wood pellet litter
- Collars and leashes
- Towels and Blankets (large sizes are helpful)
- Dawn Dish Soap
PayPal Donations
You can donate using your PayPal or any major credit card. Click the donate button below to make a donation.
Check Donations
Make Checks payable to "Brenham Animal Services" and mail to:
Brenham Animal Services
1804 Longwood Dr.
Brenham, TX 77833