Street Department

 Street Department staff picture

Brian Smith, Superintendent - Office: 979-337-7222


Street Crack Sealing Program

The Street Department maintains over 102 miles of streets and drainage within the City of Brenham. A significant portion of street projects are associated with road, curb and gutter reconstruction following gas, water, and sewer line repairs or replacements. Most of these utility lines lie beneath city streets. The Street Department has to work closely with the utility departments in coordinating reconstruction projects in order to minimize any road associated inconveniences to citizens.


The Street Department performs maintenance work on existing roads by patching holes or applying seal-coat to extend street life. There are over 130 streets and portions of streets, comprising over 13 miles of surface that are scheduled for seal coating. The Street Department is also responsible for keeping trees trimmed out of the path of roadways and installing or replacing street signs. The Street Department mows along all major creek systems within the city and keeps these areas free of debris. The department also mows along major thoroughfares, particularly those located south and east of the city and also maintains the airport.