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Lowell Ogle Announces his Retirement

Press Release_Lowell Ogle Retirement_2019JulyIt is with mixed emotions and sincere gratitude for his 35 years of service that we announce the retirement of Lowell Ogle, Assistant City Manager - Public Utilities/Development. Lowell began his career with the City of Brenham in April 1984, at the age of 19, as a meter reader in the Utility Department. With a willingness to put in the extra time and effort in everything he did, promotions became commonplace for Lowell. In 1986 he moved to the Gas Department, holding various positions until he was appointed Gas System Manager in 1995. Lowell was again promoted in 1998 to the Environmental and Regulations Manager. In 2002, he again moved up in the ranks to the Utility Operations Manager and then on to the Public Utilities Director in 2004. This position was re-classified in 2015 to his current title of ACM, Assistant City Manager.

"This has not been an easy decision. I started at the City at age 19 and feel like I've grown up with this organization. It is family," says Ogle.
City Manager James Fisher expresses, "Lowell has been with the City of Brenham for 35 years and is a man whose work ethic, character, enthusiasm, mentorship, knowledge and a deep love for his fellow employees will be extremely hard to replace, probably can't. Lowell was one of the first employees I met when I came to Brenham and he immediately offered his assistance. He is an outstanding guy! I wish him the best at LCRA and hope he remembers, that he always has a place here in Brenham."

Lowell shares, "I started with the City as a meter reader. I have enjoyed all my jobs but I think my favorite was my first. While reading meters you walked the whole town and got to interact with a lot of customers. It also helped to learn every street and address in the city and where utility infrastructure was located. I have so many good memories over the years, from helping customers to restoring infrastructure after storms etc. it has been an amazing experience to watch the town grow over 35 years and be a part of that growth."

Press Release_Lowell Ogle Retirement_2019July-2Lowell experienced many levels of the organization during his years, from reading meters to installing and replacing meters, from installing new and replacement gas, water and sewer infrastructure to planning and construction of a new wastewater treatment plant. He was instrumental in adding a new pressure plane and water tower to the west side of town and the list goes on and on.

Lowell says, "I have been blessed that this community and organization has allowed me to be involved in so many projects and improvements over many years. The most satisfying thing for me as a public servant has been the ability to help people." He continues with one of his most memorable times, "I remember sitting in the old city hall and waiting for midnight on "Y2K". We were sure that nothing was going to happen but right at midnight Doug Baker had slipped over toward the door and no one noticed. We were all looking out over downtown waiting to see if anything would occur. Doug turned the light switch off exactly at midnight and we all nearly passed out. He thought it was the funniest thing ever and we were about ready to chase him down."

Press Release_Lowell Ogle Retirement_2019July-3One of the most stressful events Lowell says in his career was the floods of 2016. He reflects, "The storms and rains just kept coming. Seeing the amount of damage that the City and County sustained and knowing that people died during that event was very difficult for me."

If you know Lowell, you know he is a man of integrity, hard work, commitment, loyalty, and unconditional dedication. Longtime friend and fellow City employee Ande Bostain says, "When you consider working together at the City of Brenham for almost 34 years, throw in a couple years at Invader Boats in Giddings, and of course do not leave out our time, as some would say, ‘partners in crime' at Burton High School, Lowell's retirement is personal to me. We have spent many years in the trenches and our personal lives supporting each other during good times and the bad. I know he will do well in this next chapter of his life because he always puts 100 percent effort into everything he does. He will be greatly missed."

Dane Rau, Director of Public Works, continues, "I have heard many times the saying that all employees are replaceable. With Lowell Ogle, this isn't the case. The City of Brenham can replace Lowell's position but it will be impossible to replace the way Lowell carried himself, the pride he had for not only the City of Brenham but for the citizens, businesses, customers and departments he represented throughout the years. I am privileged to have worked with Lowell and learned from him over the last 17 yrs. Lowell has set the example to everyone that by working hard, arriving early, being there for everyone, expecting more than average, and committing yourself to an organization that possibilities are endless. Lowell's commitment and excellence to service will be missed and we wish him all the best and thank him for making this organization the best."

Press Release_Lowell Ogle Retirement_2019July-4As an integral part of the City for 35 years, the community has benefited from Lowell's innovation and leadership. As he works to close out his time in October and move to a new position with the Lower Colorado River Authority, his confidence in the future of Brenham is apparent. He says, "We have been working hard on our long-term strategic plans over the last 18 months and it is difficult to retire knowing that we are moving in a good direction and will be accomplishing a lot of great things over the next few years. It helps knowing that the organization has many hard-working and dedicated employees that will continue to move forward and accomplish those goals. I am looking forward to starting the next chapter in my life by joining the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) team. This role allows me to continue to serve the citizens of Brenham along with many other communities."

In typical Lowell style, he thinks of others before himself and says, "Once again I would like to thank the current and former Mayors, Council members and community, recognize many city employees I have worked with over the years and remember many who are not with us anymore. I am grateful."

Press Release_Lowell Ogle Retirement_2019July-5On behalf of the City of Brenham and the entire community, we wish Lowell the best of luck in this next chapter of life.
Lowell, you will be missed!

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