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Sign Ordinance Public Input Meetings

Downloads: Draft Sign Ordinance Amendment with visual aids

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The City of Brenham, Development Services Department is working on developing a new sign ordinance for the City of Brenham and its ETJ. A copy of the draft sign ordinance amendment is now available to the community, business owners, and elected officials to provide ample time to review and provide feedback concerning the proposed draft.

Click to view the Draft Sign Ordinance Amendment.

In an effort to help explain the proposed amendment and collect feedback on the proposed draft, staff will facilitate two public input meetings. The first will focus on Downtown signage standards and be on Thursday, January 24th, 2019 at 5:15 pm, Council Chambers located at 200 W Vulcan Street. The second public input meeting will focus on community-wide signage standards and will be held on Thursday, January 31st, 2019 at 5:15 pm also in the Council Chambers.

Following review by citizens, business and property owners, the Main Street Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission, the proposed amendment will be considered by the City Council during the regularly scheduled meetings in March.

For questions related to the draft Sign Ordinance, please contact Stephanie Doland at 979-337-7269.

2019-sign-input-meeting-man filling out a comment board