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Airline Drive - Reconstruction

Beginning Monday, March 9th, the City of Brenham Street Department will be reconstructing Airline Drive from Hillcrest Street to Progress Drive. Reconstruction will begin Monday and last for approximately two weeks. Reconstruction of the roadway will be done in phases throughout this time period. During the time of construction and during the hours of 8:30 am - 5:00 pm this section of roadway will be limited to vehicular traffic throughout the work zones. City staff will work with residents to get access to residences throughout this process.

Reconstruction Process

This reconstruction process will involve tilling up the existing roadway, grading the sub-base and adding bulk cement to stabilize the sub-base. After the cement is applied, a 2” asphalt layer will be added to the new roadbed which will improve the surface of your street for many years to come. As with any construction project, there will be times, especially as cement is added to the roadway that dusty conditions will be noticed. Please be patient with our crews and work zones.

Also, please park all cars in driveways or off of the roadways between the hours of 8:00 am- 5:00 pm. We also ask that if you have a sprinkler system that either oversprays or has runoff into the street to please turn it off on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday nights.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call.

City of Brenham
Street Department
Brian Smith, Superintendent