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Main Street Brenham Provides Assistance

Main Street Brenham is helping retailers in the downtown area who are being hurt by the COVID-19 outbreak. Monday afternoon the Board for Main Street Brenham voted to award $8500 in Phase One of Retail Assistance Grants to suffering downtown businesses. Grants of $500 each are being sent to 17 retailers who applied for them by a March 31st deadline. The grants are being funded by money raised at various downtown Brenham events like Uptown Swirl, Summer Sip, and Autumn on Main, in addition to contributions from downtown supporters.

City of Brenham Tourism and Marketing Director Jennifer Eckermann said “Many of our downtown retailers and restaurants have been seriously hurt by slower sales and forced closures. Main Street is trying to provide whatever assistance we can to ensure that these businesses can reopen when this disaster is over.” In addition, the Main Street Board voted to fund Phase Two of Retail Assistance Grants. Letters and emails will be going out to all eligible downtown Brenham businesses on how to apply.

The Main Street Board also voted to send a letter to all the landlords for downtown businesses asking them to consider abating a portion of their rent during these difficult times. The Board recognized the importance of keeping downtown stores occupied, especially considering the difficulty landlords may face in finding new tenants after this disaster ends.

In other business, the Board voted to approve the striping of West Commerce Street for parallel parking spaces. They also discussed reminded everyone that the Spring Eggs Art Walk is still going on downtown. People are invited to view the large decorated eggs by either visiting downtown Brenham or see them online at Online voting ends April 13th, with just under $1000 in cash prizes available. You can also bid on the website to buy your favorite egg.