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Sign Code Public Input Meeting

The City of Brenham is hosting a Public Input Meeting to collect citizen, business and property owner input concerning signage in Brenham. The current sign ordinance was originally adopted in 1981 and in recent years City Staff and Council have periodically discussed the need to modernize the sign ordinance.

The meeting will be held on Thursday, November 15, at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall (200 W. Vulcan St.). The Municipal Court entrance will be open.

The sign code discussion was recently discussed at the City of Brenham City Council meeting on September 20, 2018. Council directed staff to collect input and provide a draft sign ordinance. Click to view the staff presentation (pages. 30-45) and/or the meeting minutes.

The meeting will be led by Development Services staff Lori Sanguedolce and Stephanie Doland. They are hoping to hear from business owners and citizens alike on what signage types are preferred versus discouraged. The current sign ordinance allows less than ten (10) types of signs and past citizen inquires have indicated a desire for additional types of signage to be permitted in the City of Brenham.

The meeting will begin with a brief presentation about the current status of the project, recent signage-related rulings, and future sign code-related meeting dates. Meeting attendees will then have the opportunity to provide feedback to staff in person, as well as through interactive boards and activities.

We hope you can join us for the discussion and welcome all respectful thoughts and comments. For more detailed information, please contact Stephanie Doland at 979.337.7269 or Those interested in providing feedback who cannot attend the meeting may also contact Stephanie to offer comments concerning signage in Brenham.

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