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City of Brenham Invites Public to Airport Master Plan Workshop - Postponed

Update: 1/25/2023

The City of Brenham announced today, January 25, 2023, that due to scheduling conflicts, the Airport Master Plan Workshop is postponed. The workshop was set for tomorrow, January 26, 2023. The new Workshop meeting date and time will be announced as soon as schedules are finalized.

Interested individuals can learn more about the Airport Master Plan and review current Master Plan documents at

If you have questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact Debora Pinto at (979) 337-7230.

Original post: 1/05/2023

The City of Brenham will host a Brenham Municipal Airport Master Plan workshop at the Airport Terminal Building from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm on Thursday, January 26, 2023. The City will be working with Coffman Associates, an airport master planning consultant, and TxDOT’s Aviation Division to create the plan.

The workshop is open to the public.


If you have questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact Debora Pinto at (979) 337-7230.