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Community Alert - Kia/Hyundia auto theft trend

The current Tik-Tok Kia/Hyundai social media challenge is a contributing factor for the increase in vehicle thefts nationwide. The primary cause for the increase in vehicle thefts is that Kia and Hyundai vehicles produced between 2010 thru 2021 lack a safety feature that can be compromised with a USB cable. It is recommended that owners of these vehicles utilize a steering wheel locking device or aftermarket antitheft system, which are effective ways to deter these thefts.

Tips to Minimize Thefts:

  • Install a steering wheel locking device
  • Install a battery disconnect switch
  • Install a kill switch (may require professional installation)
  • Install a aftermarket anti-theft system (may require professional installation)
  • Lock all windows and doors
  • Park in well-lit area
  • Park in secure locations (garage, parking structure, etc.)
  • Install GPS Tracking Device
  • Remove USB charging cable