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Sign Ordinance - Proposed Amendments Second Draft & Pilot Program

City Releases Revised Sign Ordinance and Proposes Pilot Program for Sidewalk Signs

Attachment: Packet of Second Draft Sign Ordinance (PDF)

The City of Brenham Development Services Department is developing a new sign ordinance for the City of Brenham and its ETJ. During the City Council meeting on September 20, 2018, staff presented an update on the current sign ordinance and asked for feedback. Since that time, four public input meetings were held and multiple workshop presentations were presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Main Street Board, and City Council.

On January 18, 2019, the first draft sign ordinance amendment was posted to the City webpage for citizen review and commentary. Meetings were held with numerous citizens, businesses, and property owners to discuss the proposed draft. Following a review of all input, the Tourism and Marketing Council Subcommittee met to discuss the proposed revisions and citizen feedback. A limited summary of changes include:

  • Definition revisions (sidewalk (sandwich board) signs, portable sign, window sign, etc.)
  • Changes to the CEVMS (electronic) signage
  • Fuel/gas price sign clarifications
  • Off-premises directional sign placement clarification
  • Increased residential entry monument allotment
  • Increased signage height along US 290 and SH 36
  • Clarified maintenance requirements
  • Clarification of application of Downtown signage standards

In addition to the proposed sign ordinance, City Staff proposes to adopt a Pilot Program for sidewalk signs Downtown (commonly known as Sandwich Board Signs). Sidewalk signs have been said to cater to the charm and authenticity of Downtown Brenham. The proposal is to place permanent sidewalk signs on key Downtown intersections advertising area businesses with arrows to direct pedestrian traffic.
The revised draft sign ordinance and Pilot Program are being distributed to provide the community, business owners, and elected officials ample time to review and provide feedback. Please provide any thoughts or comments on the proposed ordinance to Stephanie Doland no later than April 26th, 2019.

Following review by citizens, business and property owners, the Main Street Board, and the Planning and Zoning Commission the proposed amendment will be considered by City Council during the regularly scheduled meetings in June.

For questions related to the draft Sign Ordinance, feedback, and comments, contact Stephanie Doland at

Attachment: Packet of Second Draft Sign Ordinance (PDF)