City of Brenham Water Department Lead and Copper Service Line Connection Survey

Update 10-14-2024 - The City has completed 90% on the Lead and Copper inventory.

Update 10-04-2024 - In November 2023, the City of Brenham Water Department began surveying service line connections for lead and copper. The project is part of the Lead and Copper Rule, enacted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1991 and revised last year requiring all water systems in the nation to conduct a service line inventory to identify and verify the presence of or absence of lead in their system. The City of Brenham has identified that approximately 90% of the connections in its water system do not contain lead. In the coming months, the city will release a notice detailing the results of its service line inventory, along with recommendations and information from the EPA. This notice will also be sent to customers whose service lines have not yet been inspected. Additionally, the public will have access to a link to view the lead service line inventory list.

Citizens who want to help identify their service line can fill out a short survey online at:

If you have questions, feel free to call Public Utilities at 979-337-7400.

Update 9-10-2024 - The City has completed 85% on the Lead and Copper inventory.

Update 8-08-2024 - The City has completed 80% of the Lead and Copper inventory.

Update 7-26-2024 - The City has completed 75% of the Lead and Copper inventory. 

Update 7-16-2024 - The City has completed 72% of the Lead and Copper inventory. View the map here -

Original Post - 11/28/2023 - City of Brenham Water Department to Begin Lead and Copper Service Line Inventory

The City of Brenham Water Department crews will begin inspecting and identifying water service lines around the City. The project is part of the Lead and Copper Rule, enacted by the EPA in 1991. In January 2023, the rule was revised under the LCRR (Lead and Copper Rule Revisions) requiring all water systems in the nation to conduct a service line inventory to either identify the presence of or verify the absence of lead in the system. Crews will be working near water meters, cleaning out the meter boxes to uncover both the City and customer-owned lines. In some cases, a small 1-foot diameter hole may be made just outside of the meter box on both the City and residential side.

Citizens who would like to help in identifying their own service line can fill out a short survey online at:

Those who may have additional questions may contact the City of Brenham Public Utilities at 979-337-7400.