Loesch Street Ground Water Well Projects Begins

 The City of Brenham will be starting the Loesch Street Ground Water Well Project (Phase 1) on January 14, 2024. This project will benefit the residents of the City of Brenham by providing additional treated water capacity along with a new water source. The City of Brenham has contracted with Hydro Resources-Mid Continent, INC for the completion of the Phase 1 portion of this project. This Phase of the project consists of rehabilitating the existing Loesch Street Jasper Aquifer Water Well and constructing one new Catahoula Aquifer Water Well on city owned property located near the intersection of Loesch Street and Briar Point.

Loesch Street Ground Water Well Site map, click for PDF

Hydro Resources-Mid Continent, INC will construct a 30-foot tall sound barrier within the project limits to assist with construction noise. This barrier will help limit the construction noise that exits the construction work site. The typical construction work time will be from 7 am to 7 pm. However, starting in the early portion of February and lasting till early May, the contractor will be working 24 hours a day to complete the drilling portion of the project and additionally from May 19, 2025, to May 23, 2025, for constant well test pumping.

The City of Brenham anticipates starting Phase II of the project after Phase I is complete. Phase II will consist of treatment facility design and construction, which will be awarded at a later date.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Public Utilities Department at 979-337-7400.