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Annual Fire Hydrant Audit begins Monday, August 31

Beginning Monday, August 31, 2020, the City of Brenham Water Construction Department will begin the Annual Fire Hydrant Audit. 

The purpose for the Audit is to:

  • Identify malfunctions of the hydrant and related valve issues
  • Helps determine weaknesses in the water distribution system
  • Identify inadequate water volumes and pressures in the mainlines
  • Helps to determine fire flows at each individual hydrant (Gallons Per Minute and Residual Pressure) 

During this time, you may notice a discoloration in your water. If you do notice a discoloration, please follow the following steps to resolve the issue:

  • Open the cold-water faucets and let the water flow until clear. Turn off the faucets
  • Open the hot-water faucets and let water flow until it is clear. Turn off the faucets
  • If a faucet is running slow check the faucet screens for trapped particles
  • Wash a load or two of dark colored clothes first
  • If the issue persists, please contact the City of Brenham

The flushing of hydrants will be between 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and completed by Texas Hydrant Services. During these times you could see large amounts of water running along roadways. Please slow down and use precautions when driving through the water.

If you have any questions, concerns, or need to contact someone after hours or on weekends, please call 979-337-7400.