Bellinger Named Trustee of Texas Municipal Clerks Association
Jeana Bellinger, TRMC, City Secretary, was elected trustee of the Texas Municipal Clerks Association (TMCA), Inc., at its annual business meeting held virtually October 28, 2020.
The Texas Municipal Clerks Association, Inc., is a statewide association with over 1,030 members. The Association operates the Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program located at the University of North Texas, Denton. The Certification Program is recognized and endorsed by §22.074 of the Local Government Code, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes. TMCA, Inc., publishes the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual, the Texas Municipal Law and Procedure Manual and the Texas Municipal Clerks Handbook.
“I have been blessed to work for a Mayor and Council that supports me and the profession of municipal clerks,” Bellinger states. She continues, “I am honored and humbled to have been selected by the Committee to serve TMCA and am looking forward to mentoring other city secretaries as they walk their journey through a profession that is ever-changing!”
Bellinger will be charged with the responsibility of accomplishing the goals and objectives of TMCA, Inc. The Association is dedicated to serving the demands of excellence in Texas' local government and public problem-solving. Its principal missions are to motivate Texas city clerks and city secretaries to become leaders in their fields of governance and to provide an educational program for the beginning and career city clerk and city secretary.