City of Brenham Begins Fire Hydrant Restoration Project
Beginning Monday, October 18, 2021, the City of Brenham Water Construction Department will partner with DMD Consultants to begin Phase II of the 2021-22 Fire Hydrant Restoration Project which consists of sandblasting hydrants to bare metal, prime coating, and painting hydrants to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommended standards.
Phase II entails repainting and refurbishing approximately 500 hydrants. The fire hydrant painting will occur between 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and last approximately six (6) weeks. Work will take place in various locations throughout the city.
The purpose for this project is:
- Enhancing the life of the hydrant
- Protecting against corrosion
- Coloring code hydrants to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommended standards
Residents and businesses can help by:
- Keeping cars parked away from fire hydrants
- Moving all decorations at least 10-ft away from fire hydrants
- Trimming any vegetation away from hydrants at least 5-ft in all directions (If 5-ft clearance is not achieved upon arrival the City of Brenham will have to trim area for work to be performed)
Phase I was conducted and completed in 2020 of approximately 500 fire hydrants.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call 979-337-7400.
Original Post - November 5, 2020
Beginning Monday, November 9, 2020, the City of Brenham Water Construction Department will partner with DMD Consultants to begin the 2020-21 Fire Hydrant Restoration Project to sandblast hydrants to bare metal, prime coat, and paint the hydrants to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommended standards.
The City of Brenham has 977 fire hydrants in the distribution system. For the 2020-21 Fire Hydrant Restoration Project, the City will have 510 hydrants painted. All remaining hydrants will be painted in Fiscal Year 2021-22. The fire hydrant painting will be between 7:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. and last approximately six (6) weeks. Work will take place along all major corridors in Brenham as well as the southern half of town (South of Main St).
The purpose of this project is to:
- Enhance the life of the hydrant
- Protect against corrosion
- Color code hydrants to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommended standards
Residents and Businesses can help by:
- Keeping cars parked away from fire hydrants
- Moving all decorations at least 10 ft away from fire hydrants
- Trimming any vegetation away from hydrants, at least 3 ft in all directions. If 3-ft clearance is not achieved, the City of Brenham will have to trim the area for work to be performed.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call 979-337-7400.