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The City of Brenham is working around the clock to provide essential services to the community, including public safety and utilities. Below are the updates on City services:

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Water Boil Advisory Updates

Questions/Report Leaks (Preguntas / Informar fugas) 979-337-7400

Update 2-23-2021 Boil notice rescinded - visit the boil update page for full details

Update 2-22-2021 (4 pm)
A boil water advisory remains in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water. We are awaiting the lab test results.

Update 2-22-2021 (noon)
A boil water advisory remains in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

City staff has identified, and either repaired or isolated over 500 leaks. As a result, we have been able to maintain a normal pressure range throughout the water system for the past 48 hours. We are now advising our water system users that they can begin using the water to perform tasks that do not require potable water such as washing dishes and laundry.

City crews continue to flush lines in order to bring fresh water into the system. You may see a fire hydrant flowing, please know this is part of the process and it will be turned off shortly. If your pressure drops and does not come back up in a few minutes, please contact 979-337-7400, and City staff will be dispatched to investigate.

The following steps must be taken to rescind the boil water notice:

  1. Maintain system pressure of at least 35 PSI. – Complete; however, we will continue to monitor system pressure closely until the boil water notice has been lifted.
  2. Maintain a chlorine residual that meets or exceeds TCEQ standards. – As of this update, all tests for chlorine residual have come back meeting or exceeding TCEQ standards. Staff will check chlorine residuals one more time before collecting samples.
  3. City staff has collected samples and they were delivered to the lab at approximately 11:00 am this morning. Results should be back from the lab within 24 hours. If all the samples are good, we will immediately issue a rescind notice.

Please continue to report any leaks that you may see and any issues with water pressure or water quality by calling. We have had some reports of "white" or "milky" looking water. This is entrained air and is not a cause for concern. As we continue to flush, the entrained air will work its way out of the system.

Update 2-22-2021 (8 am)
A boil water advisory remains in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

City staff has identified, and either repaired or isolated over 500 leaks. As a result, we have been able to maintain a normal pressure range throughout the water system for the past 48 hours. We are now advising our water system users that they can begin using the water to perform tasks that do not require potable water such as washing dishes and laundry.

City crews are in the field today flushing lines in preparation of taking samples later this morning. If you happen to see a fire hydrant flowing, this is part of the process and it will be turned off shortly. If your pressure drops and does not come back up in a few minutes, please contact 979-337-7400, and City staff will be dispatched to investigate.

The following steps must be taken to rescind the boil water notice:

  1. Maintain system pressure of at least 35 PSI. – Complete, however, we will continue to monitor system pressure closely until the boil water notice has been lifted.
  2. Maintain a chlorine residual that meets or exceeds TCEQ standards. – As of this update, all tests for chlorine residual have come back meeting or exceeding TCEQ standards. Staff will check chlorine residuals one more time before collecting samples.
  3. Gather a representative set of samples and submit them to a certified lab for analysis. – City staff will be collecting samples this morning and will have them submitted to the lab as soon as possible. Collecting samples is a delicate task that must be performed carefully to not accidentally contaminate the sample. Once turned in, the results should be back from the lab within 24 hours. If all the samples are good, we will immediately issue a rescind notice.

Please continue to report any leaks that you may see and any issues with water pressure or water quality by calling. We have had some reports of “white” or “milky” looking water. This is entrained air and is not a cause for concern. As we continue to flush, the entrained air will work its way out of the system.

Update 2-21-2021 (8 pm)
A boil water advisory remains in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

City staff has identified, and either repaired or isolated over 500 leaks. As a result, we have been able to maintain a normal pressure range throughout the water system for the past 36 hours. We are now advising our water system users that they can begin using the water to perform tasks that do not require potable water such as washing dishes and laundry.

City crews are in the field today flushing lines to make sure we are maintaining pressure and that there is an adequate disinfection residual in the system. If you happen to see a fire hydrant flowing, this is part of the process and it will be turned off shortly. If your pressure drops and does not come back up in a few minutes, please contact 979-337-7400, and City staff will be dispatched to investigate.

The following steps must be taken to rescind the boil water notice:

  1.  Maintain system pressure of at least 35 PSI. This has been accomplished and we will be monitoring it closely until the boil water notice is lifted.
  2. Maintain a chlorine residual that meets or exceeds TCEQ standards. As of this update, all tests for chlorine residual have come back meeting or exceeding TCEQ standards.
  3. Gather a representative set of samples and submit them to a certified lab for analysis. If we can continue to meet items 1 and 2 above, we plan to do that Monday morning. The results should be back from the lab within 24 hours and if all the samples are good, we will be able to rescind the boil water notice.

Please continue to report any leaks that you may see and any issues with water pressure or water quality by calling.

While we continue to make significant headway, there is still work to be done.

Update 2-21-2021 (4 pm)
A boil water advisory remains in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

City staff has identified, and either repaired or isolated over 500 leaks. As a result, we have been able to maintain a normal pressure range throughout the water system for the past 36 hours. We are now advising our water system users that they can begin using the water to perform tasks that do not require potable water such as washing dishes and laundry.

City crews are in the field today flushing lines to make sure we are maintaining pressure and that there is an adequate disinfection residual in the system. If you happen to see a fire hydrant flowing, this is part of the process and it will be turned off shortly. If your pressure drops and does not come back up in a few minutes, please contact 979-337-7400, and City staff will be dispatched to investigate.

The following steps must be taken to rescind the boil water notice:

  1.  Maintain system pressure of at least 35 PSI. This has been accomplished and we will be monitoring it closely until the boil water notice is lifted.
  2. Maintain a chlorine residual that meets or exceeds TCEQ standards. As of this update, all tests for chlorine residual have come back meeting or exceeding TCEQ standards.
  3. Gather a representative set of samples and submit them to a certified lab for analysis. If we can continue to meet items 1 and 2 above, we plan to do that tomorrow morning. The results should be back from the lab within 24 hours and if all the samples are good, we will be able to rescind the boil water notice.

Please continue to report any leaks that you may see and any issues with water pressure or water quality by calling.

While we continue to make significant headway, there is still work to be done.

Update 2-21-2021 (noon)
A boil water advisory remains in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

City staff has identified, and either repaired or isolated over 500 leaks. As a result, we have been able to maintain a normal pressure range throughout the water system for the past 24 hours. We are now advising our water system users that they can begin using the water to perform tasks that do not require potable water such as washing dishes and laundry.

City crews are in the field today flushing lines to make sure we are maintaining pressure and that there is an adequate disinfection residual in the system. If you happen to see a fire hydrant flowing, this is part of the process and it will be turned off shortly. If your pressure drops and does not come back up in a few minutes, please contact 979-337-7400, and City staff will be dispatched to investigate.

The following steps must be taken to rescind the boil water notice:

  1.  Maintain system pressure of at least 35 PSI. This has been accomplished and we will be monitoring it closely until the boil water notice is lifted.
  2. Maintain a chlorine residual that meets or exceeds TCEQ standards. City staff will begin this process today while they are flushing throughout the City.
  3. Gather a representative set of samples and submit them to a certified lab for analysis. If we can continue to meet items 1 and 2 above, we plan to do that tomorrow morning. The results should be back from the lab within 24 hours and if all the samples are good, we will be able to rescind the boil water notice.

Please continue to report any leaks that you may see and any issues with water pressure or water quality by calling.

While we continue to make significant headway, there is still work to be done.

Update 2-21-2021 (8:00 am)
A boil water advisory remains in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

City staff has identified, and either repaired or isolated over 500 leaks. As a result, we have been able to maintain a normal pressure range throughout the water system for the past 24 hours. We are now advising our water system users that they can begin using the water to perform tasks that do not require potable water such as washing dishes and laundry.

City crews will be in the field today to flush lines to make sure that we are maintaining pressure and to make sure that there is an adequate disinfection residual in the system.

If you happen to see a fire hydrant flowing, this is part of the process and it will be turned off shortly. If your pressure drops and does not come back up in a few minutes, please contact (979) 337-7400 and City staff will be dispatched to investigate.

The following steps must be taken to rescind the boil water notice:

  1. Maintain system pressure at least 35 PSI. This has been accomplished and we will be monitoring it closely until the boil water notice is lifted.
  2. Maintain a chlorine residual that meets or exceeds TCEQ standards. City staff will begin this process today while they are flushing throughout the City.
  3. Gather a representative set of samples and submit them to a certified lab for analysis. If we can continue to meet items 1 and 2 above, we plan to do that tomorrow morning. The results should be back from the lab within 24 hours and if all the samples are good, we will be able to rescind the boil water notice.

Please continue to report any leaks that you may see and any issues with water pressure or water quality by calling 979-337-7400.

While we continue to make significant headway, there is still work to be done.

Update 2-20-2021 (8:00 pm)
A boil water advisory remains in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

City staff has identified, and either repaired or isolated over 500 leaks. Today, we have been able to maintain a consistent level in two of the City’s four water towers. The last two towers continue to trend upward which indicates that leaks are being isolated, and demand is decreasing.

While we continue to make significant headway and can now keep water in the towers longer and push water further throughout the system, there continues to be a higher than normal demand. Due to the high demand, water treatment plant staff may be forced to reduce the amount of water being put into the system periodically in order to refill the plant.

Update 2-20-2021 (4:00 pm)
A boil water advisory remains in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

City staff has identified, and either repaired or isolated over 500 leaks. Today, we have been able to maintain a consistent level in two of the City’s four water towers. The last two towers continue to trend upward which indicates that leaks are being isolated, and demand is decreasing.

While we continue to make significant headway and can now keep water in the towers longer and push water further throughout the system, there continues to be a higher than normal demand. Due to the high demand, water treatment plant staff may be forced to reduce the amount of water being put into the system periodically in order to refill the plant.

Update 2-20-2021 (noon)
A boil water advisory remains in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

City staff has identified, and either repaired or isolated over 500 leaks. Today, we have been able to maintain a consistent level in two of the City’s four water towers. The last two towers continue to trend upward which indicates that leaks are being isolated, and demand is decreasing.

As pressure continues to build throughout the water system, more leaks will appear. Please report all leaks, no matter how big or small, to (979) 337-7400.

Update 2-20-2021 (8:00 am)
City staff has identified, and either repaired or isolated over 500 leaks. Overnight, we were able to maintain a consistent level in two of the City’s four water towers. The last two towers are starting to trend upward which indicates that leaks are being isolated, and demand is decreasing.

While we continue to make significant headway and can now keep water in the towers longer and push water further throughout the system, there continues to be a higher than normal demand. Due to the high demand, water treatment plant staff may be forced to reduce the amount of water being put into the system periodically in order to refill the plant.

As pressure continues to build throughout the water system, more leaks will appear. Please report all leaks, no matter how big or small, to (979) 337-7400.

A boil water advisory remains in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

Update 2-19-2021 (8:00 pm)
City staff has identified, and either repaired or isolated over 500 leaks. While we continue to make significant headway and can now keep water in the towers longer and push water further throughout the system, there continues to be a very high demand. Due to the high demand, water treatment plant staff may be forced to reduce the amount of water being put into the system tonight in order to refill the plant.

A boil water advisory remains in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

Update 2-19-2021 (4:00pm)
City staff has identified, and either repaired or isolated over 450 leaks. While we continue to make significant headway and can now keep water in the towers longer and push water further throughout the system, there continues to be a very high demand. Due to the high demand, water treatment plant staff may be forced to reduce the amount of water being put into the system later this evening in order to refill the plant.

We would like to thank our citizens for continuing to report potential leaks.

Please note until leaks are repaired or isolated throughout the City, water and/or water pressure may be intermittent in your area.

We continue to urge residents to curtail non-essential water usage like dripping faucets, operating washing machines, and dishwashers. If you see a leak, whether on your property, in the streets, or around the community, please report it immediately to us at 979-337-7400.

A boil water advisory remains in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

Update 2-19-2021 (noon)
City staff has identified, and either repaired or isolated over 450 leaks. While we have made significant headway and can now keep water in the towers longer and push water further throughout the system, there continues to be a very high demand. Due to the high demand, water treatment plant staff may be forced to reduce the amount of water being put into the system later today in order to refill the plant.

We would like to thank our citizens for continuing to report potential leaks. Many of the leaks that were identified were a direct result of your calls. Please continue to report leaks no matter how big or small.

Please note until leaks are repaired or isolated throughout the City, water and water pressure may be intermittent in your area.

We continue to urge residents to curtail non-essential water usage like dripping faucets, operating washing machines, and dishwashers. If you see a leak, whether on your property, in the streets, or around the community, please report it immediately to us at 979-337-7400.

A boil water advisory is in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

Update 2-19-2021 (8:00 am)
Yesterday, City staff identified, and either repaired or isolated over 350 leaks. While we have made significant headway and can now keep water in the towers longer, there continues to be more demand for water than our system has the capacity to treat. Due to the high demand, water treatment plant staff were forced to reduce the amount of water being put into the system late yesterday to refill the plant. Plant staff will begin aggressively pushing water to the system again at 8:00 am to continue identifying and isolating leaks.

We would like to thank our citizens for their calls reporting potential leaks. Many of the leaks that were identified were a direct result of these calls. Please continue to report leaks no matter how big or small.

Please note until leaks are repaired throughout the City, water and water pressure may be intermittent in your area.

We continue to urge residents to curtail non-essential water usage like dripping faucets, operating washing machines, and dishwashers. If you see a leak, whether on your property, in the streets, or around the community, please report it immediately to us at 979-337-7400.

A boil water advisory is in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

Update 2-18-2021 (8:00 pm)
In the past 24 hours, staff have identified, and either repaired or isolated, over 350 leaks. While we have made significant headway and can now keep water in the towers longer than yesterday, there is still more demand for water than our system has the capacity to treat. Due to the high demand, water treatment plant staff were forced to reduce the amount of water being put into the system late this afternoon to refill the plant. Once the plant is full, staff will again push water into the tower as aggressively as possible to fill the system and continue to identify leaks.

Please note until leaks are repaired throughout the City, water and water pressure may be intermittent in your area.

We continue to urge residents to curtail non-essential water usage like dripping faucets, operating washing machines, and dishwashers. If you see a leak, whether on your property, in the streets, or around the community, please report it immediately to us at 979-337-7400.

A boil water advisory is in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

Update 2-18-2021 (4:00 pm)
Crews continue to work around the clock to identify and isolate leaks caused by the arctic blast. In the past 24 hours, staff have identified, and either repaired or isolated, approximately 350 leaks. While we have made headway and can now keep water in the towers longer than yesterday, there is still more demand for water than our system has the capacity to treat.

We continue to urge residents to curtail non-essential water usage like dripping faucets, operating washing machines, and dishwashers. If you see a leak, whether on your property, in the streets, or around the community, please report it immediately to us at 979-337-7400.

Please note until leaks are repaired throughout the City, water and water pressure may be intermittent in your area.

A boil water advisory is currently in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

Update 2-18-2021 (noon)
The City of Brenham crews are working around the clock to identify and isolate leaks caused by the arctic blast. Currently, there is more demand for water than our system has the capacity to treat. We continue to urge residents to curtail non-essential water usage like dripping faucets, operating washing machines, and dishwashers. If you see a leak, whether on your property, in the streets, or around the community, please report it immediately to us at 979-337-7400.

Please note until leaks are repaired throughout the City, water and water pressure may be intermittent in your area.

A boil water advisory is currently in effect for all water customers. A notice will be sent out when it is no longer necessary to boil water.

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Streets/Road Conditions

Update 2-20-2021 (4:00 am)
Street conditions have improved, and travel is much safer.

Update 2-20-2021 (noon)
Street conditions have improved and travel is much safer. However, small patches of ice remain in areas that are not receiving much direct sunlight.

Update 2-20-2021 (8:00 am)
Street conditions have improved, and travel is much safer.

Update  2-19-2021 (4:00pm)
Road conditions have improved but there are still some isolated patches of ice. Travel with caution and expect to see temperatures drop well below freezing again tonight.

Update 2-19-2021 (noon)
Road conditions are improving but there are still some isolated patches of ice. Travel with caution and expect to see temperatures drop well below freezing again tonight.

Update 2-18-2021 (4:00 pm)
A hard freeze is expected this evening so please take the necessary precautions.

Update 2-18-2021 (noon)
Ice is melting and streets are looking better but we are expected to get a hard freeze again tonight (Feb 18). Some streets still have patches of ice so please remain cautious if you have to get out on the roadways, especially overpasses and bridges.

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Trash and Recycling

Update 2-18-2021 (noon)
BIG, the City's trash and recycling service provider, will resume normal operations on Monday, February 22, 2021. They have offered for residents to bring their recycling to the Transfer Station free of charge at 2009 Old Chappell Hill Rd. Brenham, TX 77833. Use caution when traveling on roadways. We suggest contacting them before making the trip to ensure they are open.

BVR contact info:
Residential: 979.337.7440
Commercial: 979.337.7400
Collection/Transfer Station/Brush: 979.922.5958

Download the BVR app. The app is now available on Apple iTunes and Google Play.

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City of Brenham Offices

Update 2-18-2021 (noon)
City offices are currently closed and will reopen on Monday, February 22, 2021.

All Municipal Court hearings for this week will be rescheduled due to inclement weather.

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Update 2-19-2021 (4:00pm)
ERCOT has returned to normal operations.

Update 2-19-2021 (noon)
ERCOT has terminated the Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) along with the Emergency Notice for Adverse Weather. ERCOT is returning to normal operations.

Q. How will this week’s Arctic Blast impact my electric bill?
Citizens in the City of Brenham receive electricity from either the City of Brenham or Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative. Currently, City of Brenham electric residential customers pay $93.55 per 1,000 kWh. The City of Brenham maintains a rate stabilization balance in our Electric Utility to absorb most, if not all, electric supply cost increases due to weather anomalies, like this week’s Arctic Blast. City of Brenham electric customers should not see dramatic increases in their electric utility bill because of this storm. The rate stabilization balance will be used to keep electric bills affordable.

Update 2-18-2021 (noon)
The City of Brenham has power, as of about 1 AM (Thursday). If you still do not have power, please report it to us at 979-337-7400.

Please keep in mind that if demand spikes again, we could begin to see rolling outages in the area.

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Who To Call

Update 2-18-2021 (4:00 pm)
The City of Brenham answers calls 24/7 at 979-337-7400

Update 2-18-2021 (noon)
The City of Brenham opened a call center early this week and continues to answer calls 24/7. That number is 979-337-7400.


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Past updates

Update: 2-18-2021 (9:27 am)
Due to continuing power outages and severe weather conditions, City offices will remain closed through Sunday, February 21, 2021.

Update: 2-16-2021 (8:59 am)
Due to continuing power outages and severe weather conditions, City offices will remain closed through Wednesday, February 17, 2021.

Update: 2-15-2021 (3:21 pm)
There will be no sanitation operations tomorrow, Tuesday, February 16, 2021, according to BVR.

Update: 2-14-2021 (10:36 am)
City Hall and other facilities will be closed Monday and Tuesday due to inclement weather conditions. The Collection/Transfer/Recycling Station will be closed Monday and residential/commercial collection will not be picked up Monday.

Update: 2-13-2021 (8:15 am)
The Collection Station and Recycling Center will be closed today due to transportation issues on icy roadways.

Update: 2-12-2021 (4:00 pm):
City of Brenham Parks staff is temporarily closing park restrooms, Friday, February 12, due to the forecast of freezing temperatures over the next several days. The following bathrooms will remain open until Sunday.

  • Henderson Kitchen restroom
  • Restrooms at Fireman’s
  • Hohlt Park soccer-side
  • Restrooms near the playground at Hohlt Park on Lounge Road

On Sunday, February 14, all park restrooms will be closed. Previously, prolonged freezing temperatures have caused the restroom plumbing, valves, and even fixtures to freeze, break, and shatter, leading to costly repairs.
To prevent these breakages, the park staff is winterizing sinks and toilets, which means the facilities must remain closed. Restrooms will reopen once the cold snap ends

Published 2-11-2021:
Due to the inclement weather, we have decided to close the Aquatic Center and Library facilities on Saturday, February 13, and Monday, February 15.

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