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"Call Before You Dig" Video Takes the Prize

The Damage Prevention Council of Texas announced their annual awards this month and the City of Brenham Gas Department took first place as the Southeast Regional Champion for their work on damage prevention. “Our award winners reflect the best in the Damage Prevention industry for the State of Texas," said John Sparks, President, Damage Prevention Council of Texas.
Ande Bostain, Gas Superintendent for the City of Brenham, and his team work hard to bring damage prevention awareness to all areas of the community. Donald Reese, Assistant City Manager-Public Services and Utilities states, “I have known Ande for a little over a year now and it has become evident that Ande takes a great amount of pride in his work and in keeping his staff and community safe." He continues, “The City of Brenham is lucky to have such a loyal and dedicated employee and he is very deserving of this award."

The "Call Before You Dig" video is just one of the resources used in the departments' awareness efforts. To prevent damaged lines, Ande has come up with many ideas to help spread the “Call Before You Dig" message, including coloring contests at schools, a commercial at a local theater, fair booths, parade floats, and a fully wrapped customer service truck that is a rolling billboard for “Call Before You Dig". Ande was recently elected to serve a two-year term on the Damage Prevention Council Board of Directors, being the first member to serve the board from Municipal-Owned Gas Systems. Bostain said, “This is a huge honor, not just for me, but for the City of Brenham as a whole." He says, “I want to thank everyone who helped with this video and all those that actively participate in keeping our infrastructure and citizens safe. We shall never cease to look for better ways to educate the public about safe digging."