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Permit Fees Waived for Storm Damage and Streamline Inspection Process

Quick links: Plumbing Permit | Things to Consider before choosing a plumber

The City of Brenham, Development Services Department acknowledges that many Brenham residents and property owners have experienced damage from the winter storm. As a result, the department is taking additional steps to ensure that customers experience the quickest and efficient process available during these difficult times.

Firstly, the City of Brenham will waive all permit fees for repairs related to storm damage. This includes plumbing, electrical, mechanical, and general building permit fees for damage incurred from the storm. Permits for in-kind or like-for-like replacement will be automatically issued by the Development Services office and can be issued at City Hall Monday-Friday from 8 am to 5 pm at 200 W Vulcan Street. For additional information contact Sarah Hill at 979-337-7220.

Additionally, to streamline the inspection process, contractors may email photos of the repairs to the building department for review and to satisfy the inspection process. All photos of work to be inspected should include the following:

  • permit number
  • property address
  • contact information for the contractor or homeowner who completed the work

For additional information, please contact Allen Jacobs, Building Official, at 979-337-7214.

Most reported damages are related to burst and broken pipes from the harsh temperatures. Attached is a contact list of licensed plumbers and irrigators who are registered with the City of Brenham and have recently pulled permits with the City.

List of Registered Plumbers

JR Vasquez Al Plumbing & Repair 979-830-1877
Jason Rees Compass Plumbing 979-481-1727
Donnie Johnson Custom Plumbing 979-251-4224
Danny Dahlquist Dahlquist Plumbing Co 979-830-3815
Austin Taylor Dynamic Drains 979-530-5256
Rheman Halbison Halbison Plumbing 281-391-7600
Walt Edmunds Plumb Level 979-277-9993
James Sanford Sanford Plumbing 281-330-8143
David Stegent Stegent Thielmann Plumbing 979-836-9386
Timothy Bailey Tim Bailey Plumbing 979-204-9800
Aaron Roshto Texas Plumbing SoIutions 979-251-7744
Edgar Martinez Weider Plumbing 832-814-1053
Rodney Wittner Wittner Plumbing 979-836-3700
Irrigators for Lawn Irrigation Work Only
Multiple IrrigatorsGlasco Irrigation979-836-7036
 Oscar Aguilar Sunburst Irrigation979-836-2458
 Timothy Wilson Texana Lawn & Landscape979-551-0214
 Lucas Stroech Washington County Landscapes979-451-0129

Please note, this list is in alphabetical order and is not a reference list or a comprehensive list of all licensed professionals in the area. It is simply an attempt to provide property owners with a list of already registered contractors for those seeking a licensed plumber or irrigator.

All contractors pulling permits with the City of Brenham are required to register and provide a copy of their license information and liability insurance. There is no cost to register. Click here for the City of Brenham Contractor registration form.

If property owners have questions whether a permit for a repair is required, they are welcome to contact the Development Services office at 979-337-7220. Plumbing repairs generally require permits, apart from replacing existing fixtures like toilets or faucets. Please contact Stephanie Doland at 979-337-7269 for additional information or questions related to this press release.