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Police Department Detective Named Officer of the Year

The City of Brenham and the Brenham Police Department Detective Ashley Burns received notification that she is the American Legions (Brenham Post) Police Officer of the year for 2021. Detective Burns has been with The Brenham Police Department for approximately eight years, with five and a half years on patrol, two and a half years in CID, and six years on the Hostage Negotiation Task Force.

The American Legion honors a representative from each local emergency responder entity (Fire, EMS, WCSO, and BPD) with a formal ceremony recognizing their service and accomplishments. Each agency's command staff receives the nominations from the supervisory personnel of the department, along with "why" they should be chosen as officer of the year. Command staff reviews the nominations, the individual's service record, and notable accomplishments to determine who best represents the award.

Thank you, Detective Burns, for your hard work and dedication to the Brenham Police Department. Detective Burns will also receive a Chief’s Commendation Award and recognition at the city council meeting on July 1st.