Residential-Housing Survey
?Brenham | Washington County Economic Development, in partnership with Community Development Strategies (CDS), a Houston-based company specializing in professional market and economic research, have released their residential needs survey, funded by Brenham Community Development Corporation (BCDC).
A variety of quality and affordable housing options is important for any community. This survey and the Needs Assessment will help Brenham’s public agencies and the housing development industry better understand the community’s present housing situation. The results could lead to beneficial policy changes and potential new housing choices for the community and its workforce. The results of this survey will be made available to the general public and community leaders. By donating a few minutes of your time, you will help decision makers by providing information to best address Brenham’s housing needs.
If you would like to be entered for a chance to win a YETI cooler, you have the option to provide a cell phone number to be notified by text at the end of this survey. This survey is otherwise anonymous and confidential, and all information collected will be displayed in aggregate only.
The survey is for people employed in Washington County only and can be accessed here:
or at the following:
- The Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library, complete online survey at library kiosk or pick up a paper version to complete
- Contact Erica Warren for a paper copy: email or call, 979.337-7234
Original Post 6-30-2021 - Residents spoke and City of Brenham listened. The City of Brenham has engaged Community Development Strategies (CDS), a Houston-based company specializing in professional market and economic research, to perform a residential needs assessment. The project is funded by Brenham Community Development Corporation (BCDC). When the City of Brenham adopted the Comprehensive Plan on September 19, 2019, one item listed by community members as a concern of future growth was inadequate housing. The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range planning document identifying and prioritizing the City's needs and goals for the next twenty years. The plan examines the needs of the community holistically to ensure that land uses are supported by infrastructure and facilities.
Susan Cates, Director of Economic Development for the City of Brenham stated, "Major employers in our community have told us that finding and retaining quality workers is hindered by lack of appropriate housing stock." She continued, "We are conducting this assessment as a first step to reversing that so our companies can compete for top-notch employees in the region." A residential needs assessment has never been done for the city.
CDS brings a level of experience with seasoned professionals that is critical for the success of this project. One aspect of their study will be interviewing major employers to determine the impact inadequate housing has on the future growth of their business. Employees of local businesses will be asked to complete a confidential online survey designed to determine where employees live, would they choose to live closer to work if it was an option, and type of housing they are seeking. Employees will have the chance to win a Yeti cooler by completing the survey.
CDS is a leading national consulting firm headquartered in Houston, Texas, providing economic analysis, public planning, and market research services to clients in a wide variety of industries. Since 1971, CDS has remained at the forefront of the industry by doing three things:
- Staying actively involved in numerous professional and trade associations.
- Providing clear, unbiased, and up-to-date solutions by employing the most appropriate and cost-effective research methods.
- Utilizing solution-oriented analysis teams to focus on each project assignment adapted to your needs.
It is estimated that the results of this study will be completed by September. For more information, visit
If you have questions for the City, please contact Susan Cates, Director of Economic Development at 979-337-7231.