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City of Brenham to Begin Smoke Testing Sewer System

Compliance EnviroSystems (CES) will conduct sanitary sewer smoke testing on behalf of the City of Brenham. Inspection crews will carry out a physical survey of a portion of the city’s sanitary sewer system starting August 13, 2024.

This essential study will involve opening and entering manholes in streets and easements. A key component of the survey is “smoke testing” of sewer lines, which helps identify breaks and defects within the system.

Residents may notice smoke coming from vent stacks on houses or holes in the ground. This smoke is non-toxic, harmless, odorless, and poses no fire hazard. It should not enter homes unless there are defective plumbing systems or dried-up drain traps. If this occurs, you should consult your licensed plumber. If the harmless smoke can enter through faulty plumbing, the potential exists for dangerous sewer gases to enter your home.


If you have seldom used drains, add a few cups of water to them periodically over the next few weeks.

Crews will not need to enter your home. If the sewer lines are on the easement of your property, the crew may need access to the manholes and lines underground. No digging will need to be done unless the manholes are buried, and access is crucial to data collection.

Photographs of leaks in the system will be taken. We anticipate the smoke testing will last a few hours per block.

For more information, please contact the City at 979-337-7400.

Images courtesy of Compliance EnviroSystems, LLC