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Police Department Public Opinion Survey

Police Department Customer Feedback Survey

The Brenham Police Department is proud to announce the creation of a Public Opinion Survey, which will allow citizens to offer feedback and evaluations of their opinions on police service. The link to this survey may be found on the Brenham Police Department’s website front page at:        

From the website, citizens click on “Online Feedback Survey”, which takes them to the survey. Various categories are listed where citizens can score police on the caliber and quality of service delivered, how safe citizens feel in the city, different responses for perceived crime levels, etc. If a citizen checks that they have had contact with a Brenham Police Officer in the past, they will be prompted to complete additional questions based on that contact, along with an opportunity to add additional details and other information they believe may be helpful in helping police understand how we can better serve Brenham.

Brenham Police Chief Ron Parker stated the survey was based on the idea of Sergeant Steven Eilert and several other officers and was widely supported by the Brenham Police Department’s Citizens Advisory Board. The survey will take five minutes of a citizen’s time but the information and feedback for the department is extremely helpful and valuable. The survey is designed to gather opinions and experiences from residents of Brenham, as well as visitors to our city. The survey assesses five key components that involve police: (1) Community Involvement, (2) Safety, (3) Procedural Justice, (4) Performance, and (5) Contact and Satisfaction.

Parker said, “Public trust is the life blood or our organization. If the public doesn’t trust their police department, we might as well admit that we have failed. I am constantly reminded of the support we have from our citizens, but it is something that we as police, can never take for granted and that we must always keep striving to be the best that we can be”. Parker continued, “To that end, we want to engage in meaningful and respectful dialogue with the people we serve and maintain that important conversation”.

The Brenham Police Department is committed to accountability, transparency, and professionalism to the community and citizens it serves. We thank our citizens for their continued support as we strive to continue in our mission of improving and protecting our city and keeping our citizens and visitors safe.

Chief Parker also wanted to remind citizens that BPD has a Speaker’s Bureau and if any special groups, clubs, organizations, etc. desire to have a police officer speak to their group, contact the Brenham Police Department, and ask to speak with anyone in Administration or the Support Services Division, at 979- 337-7337.