City of Brenham - Redistricting

The U.S. Census Bureau released the 2020 Census results on August 12, 2021. This information revealed the population across the United States grew by 9% from 2010 to 2020 and the population for the City of Brenham grew by more than 10% from 15,716 to 17,369. Due to this increase in population, the City is required to “re-draw” (redistrict) our City Council ward boundaries.

In May 2021, the City Council approved a contract with Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta, LLP (Bickerstaff) to assist the City with the complex and lengthy process of redistricting. The redistricting process uses the Census data to compile ward-specific numbers based on total population, voting-age population, and racial or language minority groups. The redistricting process calculates the total deviation between each ward’s population and then adjusts each ward as needed. Based on Brenham’s total population of 17,369, the ideal population of each ward is 4,342 (17,369/4):

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Ward Persons Ideal Size Deviation
1 4,655 4,342 7.20%
2 3,950 4,342 -9.03%
3 4,708 4,342 8.42%
4 4,056 4,342 -6.59%


In looking more closely at the numbers, Councilmember Ward 3 has the largest population, which is approximately 8.42% (366 people) above the ideal ward size. Councilmember Ward 2 has the smallest population, which is approximately 9.03% (392 people) below the size of the ideal ward. The total maximum deviation between the four councilmember wards is 17.46% which exceeds the standard of 10% permitted by Federal law; therefore, the city must redistrict. The full Initial Assessment prepared by Bickerstaff can be viewed here.

At a Special City Council meeting on May 5, 2022, the City Council prepared a draft redistricting plan for public review and comments. The City Council will hold a Public Hearing at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 19, 2022, to accept public comments on the draft plan. Information on the draft plan can be found here.


If there are no changes made to the draft plan during the Public Hearing, the City Council will consider an Ordinance to adopt a final redistricting plan. A copy of the ordinance being considered by the City Council can be found here.

In a citizen and/or special interest group would like to submit additional redistricting plans for the City Council’s consideration, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • Proposed plans must be submitted in writing and be legible.
  • Plans must show the total population and voting age population for African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Anglo/Other for each proposed council ward based on the 2020 Census Data.
  • Plans should redistrict the entire City.
  • Plans should conform to the same redistricting criteria the Council will be using.
  • Comments must be submitted in writing and be legible, even if the person also makes the comments orally at a public hearing.
  • Persons providing comments and those submitting proposed plans must identify themselves by full name and home address and provide a phone number and, if available, an email address.
  • All comments and proposed plans must be submitted to the City Council by the close of the public hearing.

For any other questions related to the redistricting process, please contact Jeana Bellinger, City Secretary, directly at 979-337-7567 or via e-mail at