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City of Brenham Residents May Notice Different Taste and Smell in the Water

Some City of Brenham residents may be noticing an “earthy” taste and smell in their water.  Why, and is the water safe to drink?  Lake Somerville is the City’s water source. With less water in the lake and higher temperatures, a naturally occurring compound (called Geosmin or algal blooms) becomes present in lakes, dams, reservoirs, and rivers. Seasonal lake turnover, accompanied by these algal blooms, is common to surface water sources in warm climates, like Texas (most often during later summer months or periods of extensive drought conditions).  Personnel at the water treatment plant are working to correct the issue, but other than the off-putting taste and smell being an annoyance, the water is safe to drink and meets all TCEQ requirements. In the meantime, you may want to try one or both of the following tips:

  • Refrigerate the water before drinking
  • Add a squeeze of lemon into the water before drinking

For questions, feel free to contact Public Utilities at (979) 337-7400