Hiring Red, White & You! State-Wide Job Fair set for November 10, 2022
Hiring Red, White & You! is a statewide hiring event that celebrates our country’s veterans. While connecting veterans, transitioning military members, and military spouses to employers across Texas is a focus, the event is open to all job seekers and will be held November 10, 2022, from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Fireman’s Training Center.
Staff from Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library will be set up with computers assisting participants with resume preparation, establishing email accounts and/or other job-search-related services. And, staff from Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley will be assisting participants in setting up accounts with Work in Texas, a state-wide inventory site listing jobs available in Texas.
If you are an employer and would like to participate, call 979-595-2800 or email economicdev@cityofbrenham.org to register for a table.
Sponsors of Hiring Red, White & You! include Workforce Solution, Washington County Chamber of Commerce, KTEX/KWHI, Texas Medical Center, and Brenham | Washington County Economic Development.