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Brenham Police Department Release 2022 Annual Report

The City of Brenham Police Department released its Annual Report for the Calendar Year 2022 on Crime in the City of Brenham, Texas. The report includes Crimes Against Persons (violent crime) and Crimes Against Property (property crime). The overall crime rate for 2022 was 551 compared to 499 in 2021, resulting in a 10% increase.

For Crimes Against Persons (murders, aggravated assaults, rapes, robberies, and assaults), the rate decreased by 4.3%.  There were 271 violent crimes in 2022 as opposed to 283 in 2021. There were no murders in the city in 2022.

For Crimes Against Property (burglaries, larcenies/thefts, and auto thefts), the rate increased by 24%. There were 277 property crimes in 2022 and 216 in 2021. The largest increase in this category was the number of auto thefts, which increased by 45% over 2021 rates.

The number of traffic crashes within Brenham remained unchanged, with 516 in both 2021 and 2022. And, there were 32,849 calls for service in 2022, and 36,243 in 2021.

Police Chief Ron Parker states, “Enforcing the law within Brenham became more dangerous for our officers in 2022, with more violators/suspects resisting arrest and fleeing from officers. We have also seen a significant increase in the number of firearms illegally in the possession of suspects during our encounters.”

Response times for officers, from the time they receive a call from dispatch until they arrive on the scene, were 8:58 minutes for Priority 1 calls, (life-threatening/emergency), with the national average being 28 minutes according to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics.

“We will continue to urge the citizens to be active stakeholders in the crime rate for Brenham. The overall message to our citizens is: “If you see something, say something”. The report of crime occurring, or suspicious circumstances, as observed by citizens to the police is essential in helping us in our mission to protect our city,” says Chief Parker.