The American Legion Gives Police Officer of the Year Award to Brenham’s Officer Eric Crosby
Officer Eric Crosby of the Brenham Police Department was selected as the 2023 American Legion Police Officer of the Year for Post 48 in Brenham, TX. Each year, The American Legion gives this award to a well-rounded law enforcement officer who has exceeded the duty requirements expected of his or her position and has demonstrated a distinct pattern of community service coupled with professional achievement. The award also considers heroic acts, community service, volunteerism, and public service, and is presented annually.
The award is a significant accomplishment that demonstrates Officer Crosby’s dedication to public safety, public service, and service to the citizens of Brenham and the surrounding areas. Officer Crosby started his career with Brenham Police Department on March 14, 2022, and has since distinguished himself with supervisors, fellow officers, and citizens with his service. Previously, he served with the Washington County Sheriff’s Department and the Columbus Police Department.
left to right: Assistant Chief Lloyd Powell, Officers Lauren Vieceli, Armando Guerra, Eric Crosby, Ashley Burns, Tina Bruno, Jimmy Ha.
Chief Ron Parker states, “We are extremely proud of Officer Crosby and of the recognition of this very special award from the American Legion and it is proof of his service to our community and our citizens!”