Applications Available for Several City of Brenham  Advisory Boards and Committees

The City of Brenham is seeking motivated volunteers who reflect the diverse backgrounds and interests of the community to serve on several City advisory boards, commissions, and committees.  Participation in a City advisory board is an excellent way to get involved in the community and your local government.

The City is looking for volunteers to serve on the following boards:

  • Library Advisory Board
    • Advises City Council on the planning and operation of the Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library. Members must reside in Washington County. Board members’ terms of service are three years and limited to three consecutive terms (nine years).  The Board meets every other month on the third Wednesday, at 5:15 p.m.
  • Main Street Board
    • Develops programs to stimulate both historic and economic vitality in downtown Brenham. Members must be knowledgeable about downtown, marketing, finance, and historic preservation. Members must reside in Washington County. Board members’ terms of service are for three years and limited to three consecutive terms (nine years).  The Board meets monthly on the first Monday, at 4:00 p.m.
  • Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
    • Assists in the planning and operation of the parks and recreation system. Members must also reside in Washington County. Board members’ terms of service are for three years and limited to three consecutive terms (nine years). The Board meets every other month on the second Wednesday, at Noon.
  • Police Citizen Advisory Board
    • Acts as a community resource for the Police Department in the formation of strategies, development of community policing concepts and programs, and enhances public transparency, trust and public awareness of the Brenham Police Department. Members must reside in Washington County.  Board members’ terms of service are for three years and limited to three consecutive terms (nine years). The Board meets every other month on the second Tuesday, at 5:30 p.m.
  • Tourism Board
    • Advises and supports the Brenham/Washington County Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) and advocates for the continued development of tourism and cultural assets. Members must reside in Washington County. Board members’ terms of service are for three years and limited to three consecutive terms (nine years). The Board meets quarterly on the third Thursday, at 9:00 a.m.

Interested persons must submit a completed application by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 8th. Additional board information and online applications are available here. Paper applications are available in the City Secretary’s Office at City Hall, 200 W. Vulcan Street, Suite 203.

For additional information about the application or the appointment process, contact Deputy City Secretary Robin Hutchens at 979-337-7375, or via e-mail at